03 | A Game

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"Gather around ladies! Quickly quickly please," Miss Swift shouts.

Now is the time, Chloe! Am I going to be this year in the last team? Will I fail again? Can I maybe, just maybe be in the A-team?

"The next players are the the red team, AKA A-team; Hannah, Lucy, Emily, Nora, Chloe, Peyton and Alice," Miss Swift says with excitement. "Miss White will coach the B-team and will read your names. The rest come with me."

"Come on Chloe," Hannah calls.

"Where? They haven't read my name yet," I say disappointed.

"They have!! Weren't you listening?? Your in the A-team!!" Hannah almost shouts.

What the fudge!!!???

"Your kidding?"

"No!! Come here!" Alice gestures.

We all gather around Miss Swift. My heart beating out of my chest. I can't believe this is happening! Did I just get into the A-team basketball? This is going to be the best year ever! I can't wait to start playing!

"Okay ladies! Congratulations on getting into this team. You know, it is not easy. You'll have to work hard to stay up here. This year we are striving to win the T-t-t, I better not say the name. I only want to hear positive things. We are going to be ONE team not 7 players, all playing for THEMSELVES. We are going to succeed this year. We are going to work hard and most of all, we are going to ENJOY it!" Miss Swift cheers. "Now, now everyone! Off you go, put on your shoes and I'll see you in ten minutes on the court."

We all rush off with a speed, not trying to be late on our first practice.


Today is my first day that I'm going to play for the A-team! We are playing against the Green Beans! Their name is so stupid, when I hear it, I'm as green as a bean with puke! I just can't help but laugh every time I hear it.

I just can't wait! I hope I don't make any errors. I don't want to be kicked off the team after my first match.


"Go Chloe! Go!" I hear people shouting.

I run as fast as I can with the ball, hopping form one side to the other. I am running to fast for my legs! I can't keep up! I trip and fall on the floor. My face is planted into the floor! It is so hard! The other team grabs the ball and go scores.

It is all your fault Chloe, if you haven't tripped and fell, they wouldn't have scored. So if we lose this game, it is your fault! All yours Chloe! You WILL be kicked off the team!

No! Don't say that of yourself! You are going to fix this! You will stay on this team! You are going to work hard! Your going to get up and get that ball and shoot a goal!

And so I do! I get up and start running! I take the ball easily from the other team. I start running toward the hoop. I jump in the air! I'm almost there! Almost my hand is touching the hoop when...

"Honey? Dear? Are you alright?" My mother asks concerned.

"Yeah? What-what happened?" I rub my head trying to rub the pain away.

"You fell solidly on the ground face first," my father answers me with less concern than my mother.

"Oh okay? How long was I gone?" I ask-now rubbing my tummy, that is getting cramps of a lack of food.

"You were about 3 hours out," my mother stutterers.

"May I get some food? My tummy is already rumbling. Please?" I ask.

My mother and father only nodded at me, then they turned around and walked out of the room.

What the fudge? How did this happen? Why would it happen to me?


"You said something?" I voice next to me asks.

"What? Sorry I didn't see you there!"

Did I really just said that out loud? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid Chloe!

"Hey I'm Zack by the way," he says friendly.

"Hi, I'm Chloe."

"So why are you laying here, in this zombie apocalypse place?" He says laughing.

"It is a long story."

"I have a long time and I'm sure you too," he jokes.

"I fell really really, I mean like REALLY FRICKING hard on the basketball court and then I was out. You?"

"I rode my motorcycle, like all the cool and hot guys do and the I rolled it like all the idiots do."

I took me a really long time, since our conversation started to get my eyes to focus, I see now clearly. You know? He is kind of really hot! He has this dark skin with blue eyes, with this cool hairstyle AND I only now see his muscles. Saxyy, If I may add!!

I start laughing and I can't stop! With every sound that comes out of my mouth my head hurts even more. After five minutes of straight laughing, I calm down and he starts with a new topic.

"So," he starts. "Let's play a game."


"Okay so... This is how it works. We get each 2 questions to ask each other. Choose wisely your question and answer, because there is a trick to it. It's like a yes or no game, like you may only say yes OR no, AND you may only say 'No' ONCE! You up for it?"

"Yeah, I guess. You go first."

"Okay. So did you ever kissed your best friend's boyfriend?"

"NO!" I almost shout. "Did you ever get drunk?"

"Yes, drunk on love, when I say you. Ask your next question," he politely states.

I don't think I have ever blushed like this before! It was so sweet, but cheesy too. I am so surprised that I don't even bother that he doesn't ask his question first.

"Uhmm, do you flirt with every girl you like?"

"That's unfair! I can't answer 'no' but it is actually no, but yes is my answer. You understand what I mean?" He laughs. "Okay my turn. So can I get your number?"

"Well, this is unfair. Now I can't say no. Sooo my anwer is yes. I joke!! Yes you may get my number. 555-..."

Hello everyone!! Hope you are still enjoying my book/story!! Lots more to come, so please reading, VOTE and COMMENT!!!


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