Do you still remember me? (An Andy biersack fan fiction)

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I started silently crying as i stood there watching my house burn into ashes along with all the memories. I loved that house. I lived in it for all 11 years of my life. Ever since I was born to when I first learned how to walk and how to speak to making my first friend and having them over for a sleepover and having my 11th birthday party.

I heard sirens coming closer and closer. One of the firemen ran up to me and asked me if I was hurt. I shook my head no and burst into tears remembering my parents were still in there. He hugged me and said everything was going to be okay. But I knew it wouldn't as I watched them carry my parents out on a stretcher into an ambulance.

*end of flashback*


I know it's short, sorry. It's my first story so it probably won't be that great but I hope you will like it!!! Comment and tell me what you think!!!!:)

You said you loved me as you left me. (An Andy biersack fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now