Chapter 3

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Sergeant Chandler Harmon--------->


"Staff Sergeant!"

I looked up to one of the young privates of my platoon standing in front of my bunk at full attention.

"relax private" I told him. he visibly relaxed. "what do you need?" I asked.

"Lieutenant Peters told to me to inform you that we have our first orders Staff Sergeant" I nodded pulling on my boots.

"thank you Langston" he nodded sharply. Leaving my tent I walked over to the officer's tent. Lieutenant was leaning over a table with a large map. Another officer was with him as they discussed strategies.

"sir" I called from the opening. Lieutenant looked up at me.

"ah, Crawford. Come here" I strode over to the table with him on the other side. He placed an envelope in front of me.

"this is our mission." I pulled out the papers looking them over. It said that we were to infiltrate one of the compounds that the government had lost control of. We were to be the eyes and ears of the town also to restore their homes and stores back up, that and build up so decent law enforcement, so that the Taliban couldn't terrorize the people anymore. It was a five day journey from our base. Once we were in we were to stay for a week or two depending on the progress of getting the people situated.

"the mission is called Operation Eagle. Are you ready Crawford?" I looked up from the papers I met him in the eye.

"Absolutely, sir." He nodded.

"good, gather the men we leave at o1000 hours."

"Sir" I turned and walked out. I told some of the men of our company to get everyone.

Once we were all together we were told to grab our gear and weapons and placed them in the helicopters. We sat in a half circle as lieutenant Peters strolled over to us.

"Morning Echo Company" he greeted. About forty Marines greeted him back.

"we are officially assigned for our first mission men." They cheered. Lieutenant smiled. "out mission is called Operation Eagle. It is a five day journey to our destination. Getting to this town is going to be the hard part. We have been informed that it is heavily guarded by the enemy. They are very skilled shooters and weapon personnel. The big thing to be looking out for is IED's (bombs). We will indeed loose men but we will not let that stop us from completing the mission, right Marines?!"

"YES SIR!" we answered together.

"this is what we are here for, to fight for what's right. They call us for these sorts of operations because we are the best! Am I Right!"


"once we are in, we are to help, meaning if they need money; as in schools, stores, housing. We will help them build up a police force. We are to help them take back what belongs to them at how ever we are capable. Am I understood"

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