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Angels POV

Finally, mom is home from the hospital. She's laying in bed pouting because she can't work

Cookie: Y'all I'm fine, really

Hakeem: not after last night

Jamal: Yea we were all worried

I stood there silent just looking at mom, And she could tell by the expression on my face that I was still worried and concerned about her.

Cookie: *pats the bed* Come here Ang

I sat by Cookie and she held my hand.

Me: You sure you're ok? *looks at her*

Cookie: Yes girl I'm ok, Damn

Dad walks in with the chefs.

Lucious: Okay, they prepared your meals for today with some healthy drinks

Cookie:  *semi yells* For the last damn time y'all I'm fine

Bree hugs Cookie and she kisses the top of her head.

Jamal: Has anybody seen Andre?

Me: Nope and I don't care where his ass at neither

Lucious: Now Angel that's no way to talk about your brother, Even though he did try to kill me

I sucked my teeth as Hakeem puts his arm around me

Hakeem: Calm down Ang

I take a deep breath and hug Hakeem.

Cookie: Ok look I'll talk to Andre *holds her head* But for right now, the three of you need to work on y'all album

Jamal, Hakeem, and I nod our heads. I hear the door open up and see Andre at the door

Andre: Hey mom, how are you feeling?

Cookie: *Speaks softly* I'm fine Dre

Hakeem: Is there anything that you need mom?

Jamal: Yeah could we do anything for you?

I look back at mom and she shakes her head

Cookie: Just do what I told you guys to do please

Me: Yes ma'am

Bree: Mommy daddy, can I stay with grandma?

Hakeem: I don't think- *gco*

Cookie: Yea you can baby

I watch as Bree lays down next to Cookie.

Me: I'll just come back and get her later

Hakeem: I'll go bring the car up, See you later mom *kisses Cookies head & walks out*

Jamal: I'll come back and check on you later mom *Kisses Cookies cheek & leaves*

I hug and kiss my mom on the cheek.

Cookie: Make sure he don't do nothing stupid

Me: We are talking about Hakeem right?

We both laugh as my mother nods

Cookie: Yeah now go to work

Me: Ok mama love you

Cookie: Love You too Angel

I walk out of the room walking straight into Andre.

Andre: Are you alright Ang?

I nod

Me: Yeah I'm perfectly fine

Andre: Angel about what happened I - *gco*

I hold up my hand

Me: Andre, You're my brother, and I love you very much... But I don't want to talk right now, I'm still upset with what happened back in Vegas, Just give me some space alright

Andre: I understand Ang

Me: I'll talk with you later alright

Andre nods. I walk outside and get into the car with Hakeem and he drives away from the house. I look out the window as I feel Hakeems hand on my thigh .

Hakeem: Everything ok?

Me: Yeah I think I just need to rest for a bit

Hakeem: *smiles* Don't worry I'll put you to sleep as soon as we get home

I smile and giggle at Hakeem as he drives. I sigh to myself, I just hope mom will get better soon. We come to a red light Hakeem phone rings and he looks at It, and press the decline button.

Me: Who was that baby?

Hakeem shakes his head

Hakeem: Nobody baby

I nod and look back out the window

What will happen next?

Will everything be ok between Angel and Andre?

Who called Hakeem?

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