Undiscovered Gem 4: CookieDirection

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1. What/Who was your inspiration to start writing?

I think I'd always had a love for writing, there wasn't a time I wasn't doing something creative whether it was writing or drawing. It's kinda dumb but my teachers always encouraged me and told me how my work was always good and that gave me a boast. Also, I see how some people just start writing and they always encourage others to start writing as well. I guess a lot of people were my inspiration, people who always encouraged me and some people didn't know it but I'm very thankful to them that I've been introduced to such an amazing place of writing. Oh gosh, that sounded sooo cheesy.

2. What was your very first story about?

My very first story? Well, my VERY first story that I can remember was about a 'Edible Island' which was basically self explanatory. It was a short story all about how the clouds were candyfloss, the beetles were skittles and how it rained hot chocolate which now that I think about would burn quite a bit.. My first story on Wattpad is one I'm currently writing called How to be a Liar which is about how a girl lies about everything about herself to get to the top and gains quite a lot of friends. But when those lies slowly get found out by her close friends, she keeps on lying and well. I can't tell you the ending.

3. Do you read the same genres as the ones you write?

I do read the same genre as I find I can improve my own writing and gain tips. I also read different genres, some similar and sometimes the complete opposite genres as it's nice to have a change every once in a while.

4. What is your favorite book?

THE HUNGRY CATERPILLAR! I liked the book The Devil Wears Prada and Revenge Wears Prada.

5. How long does it take you, on average, to finish a story?

I dunno yet! I haven't finished a complete story! But probably a looooong time..

6. What is your process of writing like?

Write a load of rubbish, delete it, eat a bunch of junk food, write a sentence or two, procrastinate for about a week and then write and write and write. Then delete half of it and write it all again. Then procrastinate again for about another week and then write a sentence and there you are! A chapter done. It's not a good way to write but it's the that I write so

7. What are your feelings towards poetry?

I love poetry. I love how it can tell a story in only a few lines. I love how it can make you feel an emotion by choosing only a few powerful words or how it's easy to a poem and how every single one is different. I love how some of them rhyme and how some of don't seem to have a pattern. I would love to write poetry but they're either rubbish or there are much better ones out there.

8. If you had a pen name what would it be?

Oooh, I dunno. Probably the name of one my characters: Adelaide Diana Amelia-Cooper or just Adelaide Amelia-Cooper. I dunno why but I just love that name.

9. Is there a suggestion you would like to give to young/new writers?

START WRITING!! So many writers take too much time worrying if people won't like it rather than actually starting. Who cares if it's crap?! You won't know which genre you find best unless you actually start. Oh, and don't expect to be have a million reads, votes and comments over time, it takes ages. But if you keep writing, your gonna get somewhere.

10. Who is your favorite Wattpad author?

Hands down, AllTimeNutella. It's her fault I started reading fan fiction and the it's her fault that I found Wattpad. So yeah, I love her and I hate her because I've discovered a whole new world which I cannot escape.

11. CRITIQUE QUESTION: What do you think about The Fault in Our Stars?

I LOVED THE BOOK! I read it before everyone got obsessed with it and then I read again when they did and I think I read it at least 10 times after that. I really liked the movie, I mean Augustus was hot, but I think the book will always remain better to me. Just slightly though.

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