Undiscovered Gem 16: clydegirl

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1. What/Who was your inspiration to start writing?

My love for books is really the reason I write. I spent so many years taking solace in the make believe worlds provided for me by the authors in our world and I decided I wanted to be one of those people who provided a place for others to escape.

2. What was your very first story about?

The very first story I can remember writing or dreaming up was about my dog. I want to say I was around five or six, but I wrote a few little sentences about my adventures with my dog Lacey.

3. Do you read the same genres as the ones you write?

Yes. As I've grown I have become drawn to romance novels, I think I just love reading and writing about love.

4. What is your favorite book?

This is such a hard question to answer...honestly I would have to say Ella Enchanted. I read it when I was younger and I still have it in my collection.

5. How long does it take you, on average, to finish a story?

FOREVER! To long is another very true answer. I have stories I have been working on for years, but at the same time I have work that only took me a few months to write.

6. What is your process of writing like?

If I had a process the above answer would not have been FOREVER. :) I don't really have a process; I get an idea, sometimes I write up an outline, but the only thing that I think I do every single time I write is talk out my ideas with my best friend and Kellsworth.

7. What are your feelings towards poetry?

I am fond of poetry, though I admit that I have not read much.

8. If you had a pen name what would it be?

I don't think this is something I have ever really considered. I've always loved my name, no matter how conceited it sounds, but I guess if I had to come up with something on the fly I would have to say that I think I would just use my last name. Dillon.

9. Is there a suggestion you would like to give to young/new writers?

Never stop. No matter what is going on in your life just keep writing.

10. Who is your favorite Wattpad author?

Heather McGhee - hmmcghee

11. CRITIQUE QUESTION: What do you think of the book 1984?

I have never read 1984, but now I am going to just so I can answer this question.

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