Chapter Thirteen- Rest

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Omniscient Pov

5 Months Later

Location: Nicole and Deonté 's House 

(Nicole and Drew on the side) Drew in the back Nicole in the front.

Nicole had the babies . Deon Drew Williams and Té Mike Williams. Twins. Lance care so much for them and is very over protective of them. He now calls Deonté dad even though he knows that he's not. They still didnt find MMGG but are still working on it.

Drew and Jordon are still the same.

Kennedy is now out the hosipital.

"There. Everybody's sleep. Now I can relax." Nicole said laying under the covers of her and Deonté bed. She slowly drifted off to sleep until she heard the door slam.

"Babyyyy!" Don yelled as he ran up the stairs. He walked in the room.

"Shhh. Im tryna get rest while I still can. Can you be quiet?" she asked.

"Oh, im sorry baby. Get all the rest you can." he said slipping in bed with her.

The next morning, Nicole woke up with Deonté not by her side. She had thought that he had went to 'work'. She went into the twins room and saw that they weren't there. She instantly started to panic . She went into Lances room and saw him and Don sitting there playing with the twins. She sighed in relief.

"Hey bae." Don said still looking at the twins. Nicole smiled.

"Hey. " she said walking out the room. She made breakfast for everyone then left. She went to work.

Meanwhile,  Don dressed up Lance and the twins and they ate the breakfast after he fed the twins their bottles. After that they left.

He pulled up to Jordon and Drews house. Drew ran out the house and went straight to Lance and the twins.

"Come on Lance. Let's go inside." she said grabbing the two baby carriers and following Lance inside. Lance went upstairs to use the restroom.

"My neice and nephew are so cute! Who are the most prettiest babies in the world?" Drew cooed. Deon kicked and laughed while Té  just sat there.

"Are you ready for all of those kids tomorrow for Lance's birthday?" Drew asked Don.

Don Pov 

"Honestly, no." I said. I ain't really trying to be bothered with all if these kids. But I'll do it for Lance.

"Why?" she asked.

"I don't know but look, I'm bout to go. I'll hit you up later." I said picking up the baby carriers. "  Come on Lance!" I yelled. He came downstairs and we left. I buckled the babies in while Lance sat in the middle.

We went to the mall to go visit Nicole. We walked up to her job and went in.

"Hey, what you doing here?" she said hugging me.

"We just wanted to see you. You need to quit this job. I told you I could take care of you." I said.

"You know that I don't want to depend on you. I told you that already." she said. I sat down in the seat in the store and sighed. Some boy walked up to the counter.

"Wassup ma?" he said.

"Hi." she said smiling. What the fuck? "How can I help you?" she asked.

"First you can help by giving me yo number." he said smirking. I put on a sarcastic smile and leaned in.

"Yes, give him yo number. Go head. " I said. She rolled her eyes.

"I have a boyfriend." she said.

"Oh well, if you need somebody to talk to, hit me up." he said putting his number on the table and walking away.

"Take it. I dare you." I said. She smirked and picked up the number.

"Let me go get a girls number sense you keep playin with me." i said. Her smirked faded and she put the number in the trash.

"Bastard. Go home." she said.

"Ok. Bye." i said. I headed back home with the kids. I just wanted them to see the moma for the day. 


"Wake up baby." Nicole said as she sat on me.

"What?" i asked sleepy.

"You gotta go to the place you call work." she said.

"Ok, im bout to." i said gettin up as she got off of me.

I headed to work and did what we usually did.

Nicole Pov

I sat in my bed with Lance and The twins. Lance was playing with them and i was recording. Suddenly, somebody bus up in the room with a fucking skee mask. It was like 5 dudes.I tried to get up but the put a needle in my arm. I was weakly fighting back.The last thing I heard was the twins screaming and crying and Lance screaming 'Mommy'. Then, I blacked out.

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