Getting Ready

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Maya came over at like 5:30 cause she always needs 'time to plan' or something like that.

I told her that I get to wear what I want. then she could do whatever. I knew she would have to 'match' everything so I just wore some short jean shorts and a gray tank top from a motorcycle rally.

"Ok, first we need to start with...."

I interrupt "don't narrate you ain't on some tv show."

"Fine." she says. Sounding a little annoyed.

She continues. lucky me she doesn't go all out. so it was simple with grey eye shadow. after that she did my hair. all she did was straighten it.

"Thanks for not going total diva on me." I turn around to look at her.

"Hey I know you like him, I would only go total diva if I didn't like him." She says.

"That made no sense." I say. she's still brushing my hair.

"You weren't meant to understand it." she says with a bit of an evil grin.

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