Why I stopped going to Church

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To be honest, I was hurt today. I was hurt by one of my church member who I considered my friend. On the day of my baptism, she was always there for me. I really looked up to her. Until one day, she started to act kind of weird and distant whenever I came to say Hi or give her hugs during sacrament(church morning session). I then found out that she deleted me off Facebook. I was taken aback by her action. It just didn't make sense. Why did she do that?

I begin to wonder what I did wrong. Did someone tell her something bad about me? Does she not like me? Did she only faked it and now that I'm a member of the church she stopped caring? Was I only a mission for them to convert?

I hate to admit it, but it made me not want to attend church at all. "If this was how Church was, then I rather drop out of it," I thought.

But, that's where I went wrong...

I blamed the Church, when it was the people.

No matter where you go, you will always encounter certain people that might make you lose faith. It might even make you hate church or make you doubt your whole religion and what you believe in.

But, you are better than that.

Do not let the people you encounter, destroy what you worked so hard to build. Your faith, your trust in God, and your love for Christ.

You see, Satan will try to use things to flick you away from God. Sometimes you might even get confused and think that God is giving you that problem as a "trial" when in reality it's one of Satan's tricks. Remember that God is of Good and not of Evil.

So, I'm here to ask you...

Will you let your beautiful flower you worked so hard on die because one person said they didn't like the color?

Will you let their decision or action define your flower's destiny?

After all, a flower didn't just grow out of nowhere. You worked hard for it. You watered it with your tears, and had the hope that one day it will grow. And, here it is.

Your flower.

So, brothers and sisters, I tell you:

Do not let "those" people stop you from loving God. Do not let "those" people crush your flower (faith). It is not the Church, but the people.

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A/n: True Story, by the way. A lesson I learned today. Can't wait to go back to church next Sunday! Just know that you are not alone! We're all sailing in the same boat, striving to be a better woman/man of God! Much Love~

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