Malfoys and Myths

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All rights belong to the author, RedCloakedMaiden

Abraxas hears of a new Dark Lord rising, one who plans to reveal wizards to muggles and rule over them. Soon the Dark Lord's name becomes connected with a muggle man's name and he sees it everywhere, in the Daily Prophet, on the wireless, in conversations on the street. Grindelwald and Hitler; they are raising armies and have scores of followers known as The Knights of Walpurgis to the Wizarding World and as Nazis to muggles. Prime Minister Chamberlain goes to reason with this Hitler, asking him to restrain from taking over these tiny countries and (although the muggles are unaware of this) to stop consorting with Dark wizards and the use of the Dark Arts to do so. Chamberlain returns triumphantly as Abraxas sneers and waits for the inevitable.

It comes in the form of falling bombs by night and curses sent flying by bullets on the battlefield. He flexes his fingers and clenches his wand, ready to go and join, become a Knight himself. But he is still only in school and his father, Brutus Malfoy the Third insists that it is not prudent to show any support for the Knights and Nazis as long as England is against them and has any chance of winning. This does not delay him however and the summer after he graduates, he takes his year off to see the world as wizards did then, heading directly to Greece first as he had told his friends and the Ministry as well as his father before secretly making his way towards Italy. From there, Abraxas intended to join the Knights of Walpurgis and Grindelwald until he meets the second person who stops his journey.

Her name is Calypsa, and she is the daughter of a pureblood wizarding family, her father off working for the Knights and it is she who offers him a place to stay before he heads out to join her father's group. She is lovely, with high cheekbones, eyes that slant upward and dark skin from her mother's side in North African roots that her father had uprooted. He accepts, pleased at the chance to pratice his Italian and the family is generous towards the Malfoy heir, assigning him one of their own house-elves to assure his happiness.

Abraxas planned to stay only a few days, but they turn to weeks as Calypsa smiles coyly and laughs prettily and he finds himself skimming through his translation guide to make up flattering compliments for her. Within two months of his stay, he has completely won her family and Calyspa over, his initial task of joining Grindelwald's forces forgotten as he insteads focuses on when and where they can be assured of time alone, how quick he is at untying and fixing her corset, how her sighs sound and what his fingers do to make them.

It is almost September when he hears from his father again. An owl managed to find him from England and it bears his father's signature, asking his son to return, that he is needed home now. Stunned at how time had passed in his months of love, he bids Calyspa a kiss and promises that he won't be long before he makes his way back through Italy and Greece to Wiltshire, England where Malfoy Manor resides.

His father greets him happily, far more good-naturedly than how Abraxas left him and takes his son to the Drawing Room and sits him down.

"Abraxas," Brutus says calmly. "You're a man now and no reports have reached the Ministry of anything you might have done for Grindelwald's cause. Your abscene has helped increase your potential and interest in society and I have received a great offer for you." He licks his lips and smiles grandly at his son. "The Bulstrodes have offered their daughter's hand in marriage and I'd like you to accept."

"Bulstrode!" Abraxas exclaims in horror. "You called me home to marry a girl who is six years younger and still in school, Father?"

His father raises a thin, perfectly chiseled eyebrow at his son. "Penelope Bulstrode is a very mature child for her age, Abraxas. She's pureblooded, from a rich family and one that is very eager to find her a husband to wed in six years. You should feel lucky indeed."

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