What Lucius Heard

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All rights belong to the author, SilverOrbedLioness

The problem, Lucius thought as he rubbed his temples in frustration, was having a son that felt entitled to even the pettiest revenge. He knew that if he went to Abraxas over every personal slight against his person his father would not be so generous as he was over Draco. Every little thing...It seemed not a day went by without seeing his owl swoop in with a letter that he knew would contain resentment against either Potter, Granger or both. He looked down at the missive his son sent him, he poured himself a fire-whiskey to help soothe his temper, he would have to break Draco's urge to run to him over minor matters. Someone had to teach him that Draco was responsible for his own actions, as Narcissa was not concerned in this, babying their son as she did, it was up to him to be the disciplinarian.

It appeared that Miss Granger, the constant source of unrest in the Malfoy household, was doing more than double the course load. His observant son had noticed her speaking of taking one class when she was clearly in another. Of course, he frowned, Lucius knew why that was. As School Governor he had to be one of the signatories on the permission slip, coupled also with his high ranking job in the Ministry for Magic under the Education sector, Lucius had his say.

Informing his son that the muggle-born was granted a privilege Draco would not have would be the cause of further aggravation that Lucius could do without. Lucius was certain that Draco, once told, would have the sudden need to have one of the cursed things. Idly, Lucius wondered, what Dumbledore was thinking of by allowing a 13-year-old to regularly use something that even Unspeakables feared to utilise? No matter how responsible the witch was, no child should bear the consequences of time-travel. For once, Lucius was not thinking of the blood status of said witch but was musing the thoughts of a parent, he knew he would deny his own daughter the damaging tool and ask her to make choices. There were times when he was genuine in his statement that Hogwarts needed a better Headmaster than Dumbledore for all pupils in the school. Hell, he sighed, he'd take the old cat any day over that old codger, at least she was firm and fair. She praises with the same hand that she punishes with. To Lucius, a man where Good Form was essential, Professor McGonagall was a more desirable a candidate to have rather than the self-serving, biased Dumblebore.

Still, it was near the school years end, and Lucius was sure that he'd be pestered and nagged about the further exploits of the terrible triplets. He had to check he'd enough Headache Reliever Potion for the onset of constant migraines that his son would surely be the cause of throughout the summer months.

Two Months Later

Draco was sat in sullen pose at the breakfast table. Slouching in his seat like a ruffian. Lucius looked up at the portrait of his father who had wandered out of his frame – Abraxas had always deplored Lucius' ability as a father. Sometimes, Lucius conceded, that his father was right to do so. Then again, Lucius sighed, Abraxas did not have to put up with Narcissa as a wife.

Draco's face twisted in disgust as he stabbed a sausage rather brutally.

"Draco, please eat with the semblance of manners you have been taught," Lucius said. "A Malfoy is never to be seen vicious in anything. One must always be elegant and delicate in matters. Eating, especially so. We are, after all, not cavemen."

"I was just imagining it was Potter's smug face, father," his son said harshly.

"What has he done now?"

"Nothing, just exists."

Lucius hummed a little in response, as he delicately sipped at his tea. Narcissa was on one of her epic shopping trips. This left Lucius alone with Draco for the entire day. Lucius rolled his eyes as the prospect of the day ahead would be fraught with his spoilt child's woe-is-me act.

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