No Regrets (Incubus)

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When I was 12 or 13 years old, my father just left my mother and I. I couldn't understand why since he loved the two of us to death. That is until days later we both discovered fathers gambling habit and how it got him deep in debt. And instead of telling us about and asking for help, he took the cowardly rout and leave us his debt as he runs away to start over. For the next few months my mother has been scraping for any money she cold find to try and pay it off. From working 2 jobs to selling some stuff from our house.

I to began scrapping for money to help her out, largely just selling my cloths, whatever I can find in the trash and up cyclical it, to looking for work. But the last one I'm having a hard time with since I'm underage according to the law. It was getting to the point were I was contemplating about going into prostitution in order to help my mother since they make a lot of money. But it was wrong to sell your body like that according to my very christian mother. I don't fallow Christianity because this god did nothing to get us out of this debt, and if he truly loves us then why wold he let this happen to us?

And yet I still find my self praying to him from time to time, probably out of habit, or a part of me still believes. I still don't think it's useless since nothing happens. But... all that changed when I meet Zagron Bernag. One evening I was walking home from an unsuccessful day of making money when a came across this hot boy around my age with jet black hair, pale skin, red eyes, and was wearing all black. He blocks my path and told me he could get us out of debt for a price. At first I thought he was talking bull, so I ignored him and walked away. But then I found my self being carried in the air and then drooped on the roof of a tall apartment building and Zagron standing a yard away from him, only now he has bat wings, horns, and a devil tail, now I was afraid.

He explained that he's an Incubus, male demons that have sexual intercourse with women to sustain them selves. They used to prey on sleeping women but later in life find making deals with them to be far more beneficial to both parties, having a willing partner was way better then forcing them if there was something in it for them. Zagron explained his deal once again to me. If I sleep with him for one night, he'll get rid of the debt. Desperate to help my mother, I agreed. I prepared my self mental and physically for this by reading everything I could on sexual intercourse and was ready to lose my virginity. But to my surprise, Zagron stood me up.

I later encountered the Incubus the next day and asked what was up. I then confessed that this was his first time and that he was afraid of touching a woman. Also it tuned out that the mysterious bad boy personality was just an act, in reality Zagron was dorky and shy. And yet, I had compassion on him and suggested we take baby steps. So for the next few weeks we both slowly eased into this until we finally did it. I remembered how happy he looked after finally laying with me, he looked like a kid on Christmas day, it was so cute. After that he was true to his word and got my mother out of debt. I thought it wold be the last time I would see the Incubus. But to my surprise he appeared in my room the fallowing evening and gave me a gift.

A beautiful (favourite stone or gem) pendant. He wanted to thank me for helping him with his fears and felt this was the best way he could. And for some reason, I invited him to stay and watch some movies with me. This began our unusual friendship/occasional lovers relationship.

Many years later...

I was sitting on the sofa watching the X files while sewing a cute chibi devil plush doll on top of my oversized belly. "Honey, I'm home!" a familiar male voice called out. I looked to the side and saw my beloved Incubus Zagron returning from the store with a bunch of bags in his arms. Once he placed them once the dinning room table, he quickly ran to my side and kissed on the lips. He is a wonderful kisser. "How you doing cute?" he asked. "I'm doing good, for a pregnant woman" I said, rubbing my melon size belly. He to began to rub my belly as well and kissed it a few times. "Hey there, daddy's home" he said to my pregnant belly. I felt a little kick that startled me a little. "Guess the little one's happy his father's home" I smiled. Zagron responded by hugging my stomach.

My Monster Lover  (mythical creatures x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu