Web of love (Drider/Arachne)

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Warning: this chapter will contain work harasment, torture, and atempt of sexual assult, you have been warned.

"Another day another 6-hour minimum wage work," I thought as I clocked in and placed my McDonald's cap on. "Well hello there baby," said a baby-faced brown haired blue eyed egotistical annoying employ named Jeff.  "I swear that uniform on you makes you look so sexy" he smirked as he moved way to close to me.  "What did I tell you about my personal space, Jeff?" I asked irritated as I pushed him away from me. "An invitation to go out with me?" he continued. "No you moron, I mean stay far away from me you perve!" I snapped as I walked away from him. "Come on Y/N, you know you like me" he called out as I walked away to my station at the register to begin work.

A little while later I was moping the floor by the entrance when my BFF Lily came by with a pile of trays in her hands. Her cute short red hair, blue eyes and freckles all over her nose gives her a very unique beauty. "Did Jeff asked you out again?" she asked. She most likely saw the sour look on my face. "What gave that away" I sarcastically asked. "I swear Jeff's parents never taught him anything about manners nor morals." I began. " It's like we're just toys for him to play with, and I'm unfortunately am his favourite" "And it doesn't help that our manager doesn't believe any of us" Lily added. She's just as tired of Jeff as I am.   

Jeff likes to "flirt" with anybody with 2 x chromosomes, be it, customer or employee. "I swear if the boss doesn't wake up and see reality, there's going to be a murder hear" I confessed. I really want to make Jeff suffer and bleed. " "Y/N don't say that out loud" Lily then warned me. "Or have you forgotten his dad is the chief of police" "Is he even aware of his son's actions?" I then asked my friend. "I did once when Jeff tried to grab my boobs but he told me that his son is harmless and he likes to joke around like him" she confessed. 

"Isn't there anything we can do about him?" I stressful asked. I was literally shaking and trying not to let some tears roll out. "Calm down," Lily said as she placed the trays on a nearby table and hugged me. "Will be fine as long as we are wary of Jeff, that's why they have self-defence classes, so we can see Jeff's miserable face when he gets beaten up by a woman" I began to laugh upon hearing that. "What I wouldn't give to see him in pain when I kick him in the nuts" I then added. Imagining Jeff in that position made me feel a whole lot better.

Later that evening...

"I just got off of work mom" I said on my cell as I headed out the door. "I'm going to be spending the night at Sengo's place, I need his help with my assignment" "Sounds like an excuse to spend more time with him" My mother on the other line teased. "Oh like you never have done that before with dad" I teased back, we both laughed a little. "Just be sure to get back before 10 tomorrow honey, and be careful" my mom then reminded me. "Mom I'm a legal adult now, I can take care of my self, Besides Sengo will be there to protect me if anything happens" I reassured my mother as I got my dirt bike out. "I'm your mother dear, it's my job to worry" "love you to mom!" I smiled before I hung up, packed up my stuff, jumped on my bike and rode far away from McDonald's. 

I rode all the way out of town and into the woods off the trail where it's restricted to go, but I flat out ignored them. I was eager to start on my college assignment on spiders. They always fascinated me for as long as I remember so I decided to become an  Arachnologists when I graduated high school. And there's no one better to teach me all about it (other than college) then my Sengo. I soon reached my destination and hopped off my bike. a cave on leading deep downwards. "Sen I'm home!" I called downwards. "Now what's a hot chick like you doing out here in these woods all alone" a familiar cocky voice spoke up from behind.

Panicking, I turned around and there 5 or 6 feet away from me was Jeff. "What are you doing here!?" I furiously asked. "You never around when I drop by your house after work or do you never call or texted me" Jeff answered as he walked closer to me. "So I decided to fallow you" "You're stalking me now!?" I panicked. " Now that's a harsh word baby" he smirked as he stopped a foot in front of me. "I only just wanted to spend some time with you, this wouldn't have happened if you just replied back" "That's because I don't like you, Jeff, Now get lost or you'll regret it" I warned as I backed away. Jeff, however, managed to snatch me in a possessive hug. "Ahh... don't be like that baby, admit you like me," he said as I struggled in his grip on me. 

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