Number (short)

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It was nearing the end of class, I keep glancing over at (c/n). I was nervous to ask him just my one simple question, i wanna ask him if I could get his number. This honestly was gonna be my first time asking a guy for their number, I'm a really shy person when it comes to my crushes.

"Ugh, Sofia I don't know how i'm gonna ask him! I'm probably gonna chicken out.." I say and glace at (c/n).

"The worst he can say is no, you can do it!"

"You better stay by my side!"

"I will, don't worry." She says and continues to talk to Jade.

We both get up and walk over to the door, it was a minute until the bell rang. I could feel my anxiety getting worse and worse.

"Oh my god! I dont know how i'm gonna ask!" I groan.

"Just practice what your gonna say to me!" My friend Maria says and giggles.

I roll my eyes and smile as the bell finally rings. Sophia and I walk out and head to the bus doors. We make it out and pause.

"I don't know how to do this!" I groan again.

"You got this! C'mon, he's right there!"

I see him and his friend walk past us, we follow for a little. I take a deep breath in.

"Hey (c/n)?" I say and he stops and turns around.

"Can I ask you a question? Can I get your number?" I ask.

"Uhm, yeah." He says and walks besides me and Sofia.

"Okay, let me just open my contacts." I say and wait for my slow ass phone to work.

"Uhm, its-" he gives me his number. "Thanks." I say as we part ways.

Sofia and I make it to our bus and walk in. We take our seats and wait for everybody else to file in. As everyones talking, Sofia yells "Guys! (Y/n) got a guys number!" They all go "oooo" or "who!?" I smile and just look out the window. Haha, mission accomplished.

Sooo, i got a guys number yesterday lol. This is how it went, but imagine being in my shoes? Idk, but idk how to even text him. Yeah, this was short, but its whatever😂🤙


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