When They Find Out You Have An Eating Disorder

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Author's Note: In this chapter, I am not romanticising any kind of eating disorder. So please do not think that I am. Thank you!


I knew Lance was starting to notice when I stopped eating lunch 3 days in a row. The first day I skipped lunch, I just said I wasn't hungry. He believed me...or so I thought.

Today, we were sitting on the roof today. I skipped eating again and waited for Lance to come up to the roof with his lunch. I exercised more and more frequently and ate less and less but I was still fat. No matter what I did, I couldn't lose weight. (The book you still sees herself as fat, but she actually looks like only skin and bones to everyone else.)

Lance finally came up and sat down next me. I gave him a slight smile. He raised an eyebrow, "Where's your lunch?" I just shook my head, "I'm not very hungry today..." Usually he would drop it, but today, he didn't, "I haven't seen you eat lunch in 3 days. Why aren't you eating?" I frowned, "I am eating Lance!" He sighed angrily, "Why do you do this to yourself?"

I continued to deny it but he kept refuting it. Then he said something that shocked me, "You're becoming anorexic. I read your diary." I buried my face in my hands and started to cry. He placed a hand on my shoulder and tried to comfort me, "Tell me why." I looked at him, "I...want to be like the other girls! Soi and Eri are the girls that everyone wants to be like. Shinbi is a model for pete's sake!" I got quieter, "I just...want to be...likable..."

He sighed and I heard the rustling of clothing before he hugged me. He spoke, "You are likable. Would I be with you if you weren't?" I looked and him and shook my head, "No..." He pulled away and picked up half of his sandwich before handing it to me, "Then eat." I took the sandwich from him and took small bites. He watched me as he ate. I finished the sandwich and leaned my head on his shoulder, "Thank you."


I stood on the scale in my bathroom. I was going on a date with Yuri tonight but the dress I bought felt tighter than before. I looked at the scale and sighed, "125 pounds...I should stop eating snacks too..." I went to the closet and grabbed the dress. I put it on and went back to the bathroom.

The dress was strapless and a dark red color. It wasn't skin tight but was just tight enough to accentuate a person's curves. I didn't have curves. I didn't have an hourglass figure. I looked in the mirror. From the front, I looked normal, but when I turned to the side, I could see my stomach slightly.  I sighed and picked up my phone, about to tell Yuri that I couldn't go, when the doorbell rang.

I texted him and told him to come in. I hurried and grabbed my heels, slipping them on. I passed the mirror and stopped. I looked in the mirror again. I was still chubby. I had stopped eating everything but snacks to loose weight for this date, but it didn't help.

I went to my bathroom and kneeled in front of the toilet. I made myself gag and I vomited up everything I had today. I stood up and flushed the toilet. I turned and froze. Yuri stood in the doorway, a bouquet of roses dropped by his feet. I looked down, "I-I...didn't want you to see me like this."

He grabbed my hand, "My honey, why didn't you tell me?" I pulled away from him and walked out of the bathroom, "No one wants broken things, Yuri." I went to the vanity mirror and sighed, "Nobody likes fat girls. I mean, I dont even know why you like me, a bulimic girl! There are so many better, prettier girls out there you could be with!" I heard him sigh behind me, "Do you want to know why I chose you over all of those other girls?" I turned to him silently.

"I'm not good with this kind of thing but...I chose you because of so many different reasons. You're genuine and you don't care about my looks like those other girls at the academy. I could have picked some one else, but I chose you, because...because I...love you." He wrapped his arms around me, "You taught me what self love was, yet you don't have any for yourself. So, I'll help you learn to love yourself. With your bulimia and everything."

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