When Their Fans Hurt/Bully You

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Author's note: I'm going to use "I" and "me" instead of "You" and other stuff. Thank you!


Ever since you got with Lance, the hot 5 fangirls have not been happy. They were constantly doing something; whether it was tripping you up, pushing you, or calling you names. Today was no different. You were going to the cafeteria with Soi when a girl pushed you down hard.

The girl ran off as Soi called her out. She then turned and helped me up, "Are you alright?" I nodded, "I think so..." I checked myself and saw that both my elbows and one of my knees was scraped up. We grabbed lunch from the cafeteria and then we split up. I went to the roof to meet Lance and Soi went to find Eri.

I went up the stairs to the roof and opened the door. Lance was sitting in the shade and turned to me, "You're here." I sat next to him and started eating. I winced when I tried to straighten out my legs. The scrapes on my knee were bleeding now along with my elbow.

Lance grabbed my elbow and checked me, "What happened?" I shook my head, "I just fell in the hallway." His blue eyes bored into mine, "You're lying." I sighed, "Alright. You got me. A fan of yours pushed me down. But I'm fine so..." Lance grabbed my arm gently and suddenly pulled me up. He pulled me down the stairs without a word. I called him in surprise, "L-Lance?!" He stopped at the infirmary.

He opened the door and ushered me inside. Mr. Yujin was out as the room was empty, "Lance, what are we doing here?" Lance grabbed some band aids, disinfectant, and antibiotic ointment. He grabbed my lower arm, "This will hurt a bit." He pressed the soaked cotton ball to my elbow.

I could feel the sting and winced. He finished and tossed the cotton ball in the trash, "Sorry." He rubbed on some ointment and put the band aid on the cut. He did the same for my other arm and my knee.

After that, I stood up and Lance embraced me in a one armed hug. I wrapped my arms around him. We released each other and I smiled at him. We headed back to the roof and finished lunch.


(This is more like teacher's pet but you are together as a couple)

You had just finished lunch with Eri. The bell rang and you both headed to music class while making some small talk. We walked into class and took our seats. I pulled out some music study sheets I made and read them, trying to remember everything for the exams even though they're far away.

Yuri came in and shut the door, getting the class's attention. Girls started to swoon and get hearts in their eyes. I just smiled and sighed. He quickly wrote something on the board and turned to the class, "Today, my lovely students..." More girls swooned, "Is a mock exam day."

Suddenly, everyone looked at him. He just shook his head in mock disappointment, "I will be forgiving just this once. I'll ask a series of questions and if you know the answer, raise your hand. After three correct answers, you're excused. You passed the mock exams."

Everyone whispered among themselves and Yuri flashed a smirk in my direction. I shook my head and ignored it. Soon, he called out the first question, "Music speed typically ranges from slow, to medium, to fast. What are the musically accurate terms for those words?"

I raised my hand right after he finished. He called on me to answer, "Adagio, allegro, and presto." He nodded, "Correct." He called out the next question, "What type of note is this?" He gestured to a music note drawn on the board. I raised my hand again, "It's an eighth note, Mr. Yuri."

He nodded again, "Correct again." He repeated the question with a couple of different notes and I decided to let the other people in my class answer them. He got to another question, "This is a hard one. "Which is not a wind instrument: the piccolo, the flute, the trumpet, or the clarinet?"

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