Bullies and past enemies

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"As you can see Mr Arc's aura has dropped into the red signifying that he would lose in a tournament style fight. Mr Arc please refer to your scroll more so you know when to attack, we wouldn't want you gobbled up by a Beowolf now" Goodwitch told him. "Speak for yourself" Cardin said as he walked off cocky like normal. "Would anyone else like to fight?" Goodwitch asked as one of the students raised his hand "Very well, who would like to volunteer?" Goodwitch asked as i stood up and walked down to the combat arena. I studied my opponent, he uses a spear and wore semi heavy armour, he as short blue slicked back hair. "Lets get this over with" i tell him as his grip on his spear tightened. "FIGHT!" Goodwitch shouted as my opponent ran towards me and attemped to strike me but i side step him and he swung his spear towards me and i jumped over it sending myself backwards slightly as he continue to attempt to attack me for 3 minutes but i dodged everything. 'Forward, left, down, up, right. Predictable' i thought has i dodged another attack. "STOP DODGING!" He yelled and i ducked under one of his attacks "fine" i stated before kicking his hand sending his spear out of his reach as i kneed him in the stomach denting his armour. I grabbed him by the hair as he struggled under my grasp, Star Platinum came out as he made his hands into fists. "How many punches can you take before you drop?" I ask him as he started shaking as Star Platinum reeled back a fist. "Star Platinum: The World" i called out as time stopped "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!" Star Platinum cried out as he punched my opponent in the face multiple times as i held his head keeping him from flying back when time starts "Time has begun to move again" i say as time unfreezes and i let go and he collapsed onto the floor. "The winner is Mr Joestar" Goodwitch announced before the bell rang as the students filed out the class for lunch and i followed suit.

I sat down at an empty table with a book in my hand about marine biology as team JNPR sat at the same table and team RWBY joined shortly afterwards much to my dismay. They had a conversation about Cardin bullying Jaune but he tried to write it off but we heard a loud cry cone from a table as i looked up to see team CRDL bullying a female rabbit faunas. I place my book down and get up and start to walk over to them as i steady my breathing and the familiar lightning of Hamon shrouds my right hand as i approach them and before Cardin could open his mouth i punched him across the face with my Hamon infused fist shocking him at the sane time knocking him out instantly. "Leave unless you want to end up like him!" I told his team mates as they nodded fearfully and dragged Cardin off. "thank you" the girl said in a timid voice as i gebtky touched her ear with my right hand "Stay still" i told hear as i channelled my Hamon into her healing her wounds. I went back to breathing normally as the Hamon disappeared and she thanked me and ran off, i went back to my seat and picked my book back up and continued reading from were i left off. "Y/N that was amazing!" Ruby cheered as i looked up from my book "When you've suffered like i have you dont want anyone being hurt when you can help it" i told her as she slumped down in her seat and Pyrrha, who was sat next to me, rubbed my back out of sympathy. My scroll vibrated as i took it out and looked at my message i had just gotten. 'Y/N look up' i read as i followed the instructions and say Gramps semblance Hermit Purple wrapped around Shizuka as i held my hands out and she was lowered into my hands and everyone looked at me as Hermit Purple retracted and i saw a sticky note attached to her hat 'Take care of Shizuka for a bit, Ozpin is being Ozpin' i chuckled at the note before taking it off throwing it away and looking at my little sister.

They heard her babbling as i offered her one of my fingers and she grabbed it. "Y/N is that an invisible baby?" Pyrrha asked looking perplexed "Yeah, her names Shizuka" i told her as Pyrrha grew a gentle smile and Yang banged her hands on the table frightening Shizuka as turned slightly transparent. "YOU LEAVE US FOR AND OLD MAN AND INVISIBLE BABY?!" She questioned yelling getting everyones attention and Shizuka began to cry slightly as she slowly turned her clothes invisible as well as my hands. "Shh, its okay sis" i told Shizuka trying to calm her down as i got up and walked out the cafeteria rocking her in my arms slightly as she started to calm down as my hands and her clothes became visible again as we slowly walked down the halls. I felt someone tap on my shoulder as i turned to see Pyrrha "Hey" i said quitely as Shizuka had started to drift off to sleep "Is she okay?" Pyrrha asked as i nodded and she sighed in relief. "Why was she turning... more invisible" Pyrrha questioned "Its her semblance, she can't control when she turns fully invisible so when shes distressed she and everything in a 30 centimetre radius goes invisible and it only grows the worse her emotional state gets" i explained as we continued walking down the hall. "Can you tell me about your time with the Joestars?" Pyrrha asked curious about my past "They took me in and fed me, kept me clothed and trained me. I lived a peaceful life but we encountered a dangerous enemy around 6 months back in a town called Morioh thats South-east of Vacuo. (A/N Deal with it, also if you want to see a story were the reader is in a series with Killer Queen as a stand lemme know) There was a man named Kira Yoshikage who was a serial killer and had gone uncaught for years and he possessed a power much like mine though i had help from a guy called Koichi who shared a ability like mine.

*Flashback so i can better describe the fight*

"Its seems fate has blessed I, Kira Yoshikage" Kira announced as he exploded an air bullet in the house i was hiding him sending me flying out the house. I slowly got up and used Star Platinum's ability Star Fingers to shoot out and hit him in the stomach making him skid back into a road where fire trucks and ambulances were gathering dur to the explosions. I climbed out the wreckage and walked towards him as Koichi and his friends came running down the side walk. "Are you hurt?" A nurse asked Kira who was down on the ground and took one of the nurses hands in his own"Your hands are so soft and your knuckles are so smooth. I have killed 48 women and none have them learned of my identity but i shall tell you, i am Kira Yoshikage" he told her as he nuzzled against her hand "Please rub my cheek. You know Leonardo da vinci's Mona lisa?" He asked her "i saw her in a history book when i was younger and i got a boner, i took the page and hung it on my wall, now i will do the same to you." He told her as she tried to get away but Killer Queen came out and touched her with its index finger turning her into a bomb. Suddenly Kira's hand came crashing to the ground as Koichi's semblance Act 3 came out "ACT 3, 3 FREEZE, The target is now within 5 metres" Act 3 called out "S-H-I-T" he said as Kira struggled to raise his hand "You insolent pieces of shit!" He yelled at i pointed towards him getting closer "Star Platinum: The World" i said as everything froze. "Koichi you really are a reliable guy, im truly thankful i came to this town and met you" i told him as he stood there in frozen time. "And.. Good grief. I made it in time" i stated as Star Platinum reeled back his fist and punched Killer Queen in his right hand. I breathed in thinking of my allies who helped me make it this far and sent Star Platinum charging forward "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!" He cried punching Killer Queen before turning around and disappearing "Time has begun to move again." I said as everything unfroze and blood burst out of Kira and he was sent fly backwards.

*Flashback over now in your room*

"So did you beat him?" Pyrrha asked as she sat next to me on my bed while i cradled a now sleeping Shizuka. "No in the end an ambulance accidently backed up over him" i told her as she shuddered thinking about it, Shizuka began to wake up as she saw me and reached up towards me "Do you want to hold her?" I asked Pyrrha "Are you sure?" Pyrrha asked as i nodded and gently handed Shizuka to Pyrrha and she began to rock her back and forth as they both giggled and continued doing it for a couple minutes before she handed Shizuka back to me and walked towards the door "See you two later" she said waving as i held Shizuka in one arm and waved back and Shizuka gave her a peace sign as she closed the door

 "No in the end an ambulance accidently backed up over him" i told her as she shuddered thinking about it, Shizuka began to wake up as she saw me and reached up towards me "Do you want to hold her?" I asked Pyrrha "Are you sure?" Pyrrha asked as i...

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(A/N tbh probably the only picture im going to put in)
I looked at her and chuckled "Good grief, gramps is becoming a bad influence on you" i told her as she babbled at me.

(Lemme know what you think, also Pyrrha as a love interest Yay or Nay)

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