Classes and family reunions

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knock knock* "Y/N are you alright?" I hear Pyrrha ask from outside my door. I get up and open it coming face to face with the red haired warrior. "Hey Pyrrha" i say as she doesn't respond with her usual chipper 'Hello' instead she hugs me, suprising me but i return the warm embrace back to her. "Your old family... i never would guessed that it was Ruby and Yang, i'm so sorry." She tells me. We stand there hugging for a short while before we let go "Thanks Pyrrha, i needed that." I say giving her a gentle smile as she does the same "I should be headibg back to my dorm, see you tommorow Y/N!" She states cheerily as i close my door and lay on my bed going to sleep

My eye flutters open as i hear a loud whistle down the hall, getting out of bed i head to my bathroom to have a shower. After washing i climb out and take a look at myself in a full body mirror, tracing some more visible scars from my time before i met Gramps before i try off and take a look at the school uniform. "Good grief, this is going to be a long day" i tell myself as i put the clothes on but don't button up the blazer and put on my hat that seems to blend into my hair. I open my door to head to Professor Ports class while i hear clutter and banging coming from two dorms across from eachother. I open the door to see Port getting things ready for the lesson and two cages rattling "Ah Mr Xiao Long nice of you to arrive early" he tells me as i flinch at the name he called me. "It's Joestar professor" i inform him walking up to a seat and sitting down. "Mr Joestar then, how confident are you in your abilities?" He asks me "I can easily take care of Grimm" i tell him "Yes with the help of your semblance, what about without it?" He questions giving a sly smile. "Open those cages and i'll show you" i state confidently as he chuckles. "You remind me of myself when i was your age, i promise to allow you to fight one of these Grimm when the time comes" he tells me as i nod and lower my head as the shade from my hat covers my eye and i wait for the rest of the students to file in.

The students came in team by team, the lesson was about to begin but two teams were missing teams RWBY and JNPR. But speak of the devil and he shall arrive as they came tumbling through the door, "Ahh team RWBY and JNPR please don't mske a habit of coming to class late" he asks as thry nod as team RWBY takes up a row up front and team JNPR comes closer to me and Pyrrha taps my shoulder. "Hello" she said with her usual chipper tone and wave as i gave her a slight wave back as they sat next to me, Port started the class talking about why we are here and gave a wink to Yang as she shuddered and i chuckled, then he went on to talk about the traits of a true huntsman as Ruby started doing childish things enraging her team mate Weiss. "Now who thinks they embodies these qualities?" Port asked as Weiss' hand shot straight up "Ahh Ms Schnee, very well, also Mr Joestar i quite frankly believe you embody these traits quite nicely, so could you show us before Ms Schnee?" He asked me dragging out one of the rattling cages as i walk down the fight. "Not going to change?" He questions "No need" i answer as he chuckles. I steady my breathing as i use a technique Gramps tought me, Hamon, yellow lightning crackles around my hands as he breaks off the lock on the cage as i Boarbatusk comes charging at me and i swiftly strike it's face armour cracking it slightly. I grab its tusks as it struggles to get out my grasp "Overdrive!" i call out as the lightning starts frying the grimm and kills it in a matter of seconds as it turns to ash. I stop using Hamon as i turn to look at Port "How was that?" I question as he snaps out his slight daze and claps "Bravo! It seems we are in the presence of a true huntsman" he states as i walk back to my seat and slump down crossing one leg over the other "Dude what was that?" Jaune asks as i turn to look at him with my one good eye as he shakes a bit, perhaps out of fright or maybe excitement. "It's called Hamon, a technique developed long ago to kill those who couldn't be killed" i explain as he tilts his head slightly "Like vampires?" He asks as i shake my head "Maybe, my family was tought Hamon long ago to help kill someone called DIO and thats all i know" i told him.

A couple minutes passed as Weiss came out dressed in her battle clothes, though she was wearing a skirt so it looked kind of ridiculous. Her team mates gave her various cheers to which she told Ruby specifically to 'Shut up' as she fought a Boarbatusk like me although she seemed to have a much harder time as she couldn't pierce it's armour and she messed up due to her being bombarded with "advice" from Ruby until she was able to exploit its weakpoint at its belly and killed it with ease and stormed off as class ended with Ruby chasing after her. "What do you think is going to happen with team RWBY?" Pyrrha asked as her team and i walked down the halls. "Maybe they should hug it out?" Jaune pondered not sounding confident in his answer. "They need to accept their faults and move past them" i state as they look at me curious. "Could you explain?" Ren asked as i nodded to his request. "Weiss needs to realise that she can't have everything her way and that she needs to work with her team. Ruby needs to grow up and understand that we can't mess up at this stage in the game. Yang needs to get serious, learn to control her temper and has to get past her problems about our mother. Blake needs to open up to her team and stop hiding her past and secrets from them." I told them as they were shocked at my in depth deductions and we walked in silence for abit "Wait, you said 'our mother'" Jaune said breaking the silence "If you didnt hear yesterday my old last nane was Xiao Long" i told him as i reached my dorm "Why did you change it?" Nora asked in a tone other then extremely hyper like normal "I had a... less then desirable upbringing and left a couple years back and got adopted by a retired huntsman" i explained as i walked into my dorm and changed out of my school clothing into my regular clothes.

"Could Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long and Y/N Xiao Long come to my office" Ozpin announced over the intercom. "Give me a break" i told no-one in general as got up from my bed and walked out my dorm and headed up to his office not spotting Ruby or Yang as i opened the door and saw Ozpin drink coffee at his desk. "Its Joestar Ozpin not Xiao Long" i told him as he drank some more coffee "Perhaps i'll remember next time" he told me as i heard 3 voices outside talking Ruby, Yang and... Tai. "Ozpin you didn't!" I shouted as they opened door and their eyes landed on me. "Y/N!" Tai said cheerfully as i looked at him "Taiyang" i replied as he looked slightly hurt but moved past it. "Ozpin, thank you so much for finding my boy!" He thanked him and i scoffed "Oh, Y/N are you not happy to be with your family?" He questioned as i shook my head "No i am but they aren't my family" i told him as Yang got angry and marched over to me grabbing me by the collar "They hell do you mean we aren't family?!" She questioned yelling quite loudly. I pried her hand off my collar and glared at them. "My name is Y/N Joestar, my parents are Joesph Joestar and Suzie Q, my sisters are Holly Kujo and Shizuka Joestar"(A/N Shizuka was adopted like you and her semblance makes her permantly invisible, she is a baby like in part 4, just roll with it) i told them as i took out my scroll and brought up Gramps number "Talk to him if you want" i offered handing my scroll to Ozpin and he took it and started ringing him and put him on speaker as he picked up.

"Y/N what do ya want?" He questioned "Hello Mr Joestar, this is Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon" he corrected him "Well what is it?" Gramps asked "I'm calling to confirm that you are Y/N's legal guardian" Ozpin told him as Tai flinched "Yep adopted him two years back from an abusive family, how do you think he lost his eye" Gramps confirmed as Ozpin's expression changed slightly "Well if you don't mind could you come to Beacon with the adoption papers?" Ozpin asked. "Sure I'll come in couple weeks" Gramps told Ozpin as they exchanged goodbyes and they hung up as Ozpin gave my scroll back to me as i walked to the elevator. "What would Summer think of you guys?" I asked as Ruby started tearing up and Tai launched towards me swinging a
His fist but Star Platinum came out and caught it while Yang came up behind me and tried to strike my left a blind spot if mine. "Star Platinum: The World" i called out as everything froze in place just before Yang could hit me i moved out the way and positioned her so she would hit Tai. "Time has begun to move again" i said as everything unfroze and Yang punched Tai sending him tumbling on the floor as Yang turned to be and tried punching me but Star Platinum countered with one of his own as he then punched her in the side of the head sending her onto the floor. I walked to the open elevator and pressed the button for my floor, as it was closing i saw Ruby trying to help them up before My scroll vibrated and i saw i had a message from Gramps that read "i'm bringing Shizuka, she misses her big brother" i chuckled before putting my scroll and sighing. "Could this day get anymore Bizarre?" I questioned as the elevator doors closed.

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