part 27)I'm Not Some Fragile Flower, I'm A Woman

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I'm Not Some Fragile Flower, I'm A Woman

Bella's point of view

As I backed away from them, staring with confused & hurt eyes, not understanding at all what was going on, before stopping a few feet from where they stood. I wrapped the sheet tighter against my body as I asked, "Um...what the hell just happened? Why am I suddenly having feeling for you, Jasper, when I'm now with Eric?"

"What is it you feel for Jasper, Bella?" asked Eric, instead of answering.

I gazed at Eric in confusion, answering him honestly, "The same as I feel for you."

Both were smiling at my words, but again, it was Eric who said, "And how do you feel about me, my Bella?"

I was still confused, but again, I answered him honestly, "I feel an attraction to you, a desire to make you happy, I feel this intense desire for you & when you touch me, I feel like my blood is going to singe me. 'm falling intensely in love with you, more than I ever thought I was feeling for Edward."

"And these feelings you're having, you're starting to have the same for Jasper?" he asked again, & at my nod, said, "It's alright, love, to have these same feelings for Jasper..."

He went to continue, but I interrupted, "But is it alright? I'm with you & he is with Alice. How can that be fair to Alice?"

"Because Alice knew from the time we met that her & I were never mates..."

Jasper's point of view

I said to Bella as I met her gaze, letting her see my true emotions, the love & devotion I had for her, happy that I no longer had to hide how I felt about her.

" can be?" she asked in confusion.

"She told me when we first met that I would meet someone special special who would be my mate," I replied as I walked to her, taking her hands in mine as I continued, staring deeply into her eyes, "And I have, Bella, your that special person, who I am meant to love & cherish. It's our fate, Eric & mine to love you, as we are both your , my love, let us love you."

Eric's point of view

I watched, as Jasper walked to Bella, explaining everything that I already knew, & prayed that Bella wouldn't be scared off by this. That she could be happy, loving us both, because I didn't know what we would do if she didn't.

Then when I saw the slow smile curving our Bella's lips, I knew everything would be alright. I then moved to her side, when she pulled a hand from Jasper's to take mine, staring at the both of us, as she said...

Bella's point of view

"How did I become so lucky to have such two very sexy men as my mates? How can I not feel blessed to have such a love from the both of you? I am truly blessed to have the both of you & thankful that what I am feeling for the both of you is mine alone." I said with a loving smile aimed at the both of them. I then kissed Eric softly & tenderly, before pulling back to give Jasper the same kiss. I then pulled them both to the bed, a mischievous smirk upon my face as I said, "Now, let's have some fun."

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