part 7)I'm Not Some Fragile Flower, I'm A Woman

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I'm Not Some Fragile Flower, I'm A Woman

We all walked for a while until I saw a pizzeria that caught my fancy. It was a small pizzeria that had the most delicious mushroom pizza that I have ever tasted. When we all walked in, Emmett walked to the counter with me while I ordered a large mushroom pizza with herbs & garlic, while the others went to find us a table. The man at the counter who took my order, smiled as he tried to flirt, but was short when, Emmett wrapped a beefy arm around my waist & told the man in no uncertain terms that I was taken, before pulling me away & towards our table.

I just laughed at him as I sat beside Rose, fake whining about her Emmy bear being overprotective again. Rose just rolled her eyes & shook her head, laughing at our antics.

I then remembered with the man flirting & then Emmett pulling me away I forgot to order a sprite. When said this out loud, Jasper said he would go get it before leaving the table to go to the counter.

After he left, Alice turned to me & asked, "So...are you excited about going to a vampire club & possibly meeting up with a guy who could melt your panties with just a look?"

"ALICE!" I exclaimed, knowing my face was now totally beet red.

"What? I was just asking," says Alice with a grin & a shrug.

Before I could say anything back, Jasper came back with my sprite & sat it in front of me, a smile of understand curving his lips as he sat back next to Alice, his arm over the back of her chair. "Stop teasing the human," he told her with a smirk.

Just then, the man came with her pizza & sat it in the middle of the table. I immediately picked up a slice & took a big bite out of it, almost moaning loudly as the flavors of the pizza hit my taste buds."

Emmett & Jasper laughed at my antics as Emmett said, "You sure are enjoying that pizza there, Bells, one might think you were having an orgasm over it."

At his words, I nearly spit out the bite of pizza that I had just taken, as it was, I started choking & Jasper had to pound on my back. When I had stopped coughing & had taken a big gulp of my sprite, I glared at Emmett & stuck my tongue out at him, before continuing to eat.

Smacking him upside the head, Rose scolded, "Let the girl eat, Emmett."

After that, I was able to eat my pizza in peace & soon I was full. We got a container for the rest of the pizza before leaving to go to the last store we had on Alice's shopping list.

A few moments later, I found myself sitting on a cushion while Alice was showing me two pairs of nine inch heels, one a blood red & the other black. "Are you kidding me, Alice? There is just no way I would be able to walk in such high heels like that." I then told her as I stared darkly at the shoes.

"Oh come on, Bella, they are not that high & they will make your legs look longer & sexier which is always a good thing." She says as wiggles the shoes in front of me.

"Alright, Alice, but lets go now, we've already tried half the stores shoes & I'm tired." I whined as I bent to rub my sore feet.

"Alright then lets go," sighed Alice befoer leaving us to pay for the purchases.

A few moments later, we all found ourselves back in Emmett's jeep, heading back home.

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