Chapter 16: Mark Me

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I stared at Noah, my mouth still hanging open. His question lingering in the air.
"Can I mark you?" He asked again. His face softening while he looked at me. His smile was still a mega watt. I stared from him to my hands and thought about it.

Let him! Jessie yelled, her neediness filling me with anxiety.

"What does that mean? If I let you mark me.." I leaned against him, resting my head on his non injured shoulder.
"You would be mine. No one would touch you." His voice turned dark at the end. He quickly recovered it by putting his arms around me and snuggling closer. I felt this weird feeling build up in me.

I wanted him to mark me.

"Do it." I felt his body clench under my touch. His breath quickened and he moved my hair off my shoulder.
His kisses fluttered from my neck to my shoulder, pausing over the middle part.

"Are you sure?" He questioned me again.

"Yes." No sooner had the word left my mouth, his canines pierced my skin. A scream rattled through me and escaped my mouth. Pain was searing through me almost as bad as shifting for the first time. But then just as suddenly, a different feeling replaced the pain.


"Ohhhh" I moaned into his touch. His mouth moved to my lips and he spread kisses all over my face, stopping on my nose. He kissed it softly.
Jessie howled in my head with pleasure just at the mere look in his eyes. They were a dark stormy blue. The ships on the ocean couldn't withstand it. The feelings in me increased and I kissed his lips again passionately. He moved us to where I was beneath him. His arm wrapped around my torso as my hands found their way to his hair.

"Can I mark you?" I asked him nervously. He smirked and moved his head so I had better access to his neck.

I left kisses from his jaw line to the spot where he marked me. I paused and he nodded at me, his body stiff. In all aspects.
"How?" My voice squeaked with nerves.
"Imagine your canines coming out of your gums and it'll happen." His voice was husky with pleasure.
I did as he said and soon felt them pop out. I stared at his neck before kissing it and sinking my teeth in. He moaned against my mouth and gripped me harder. His blood tasted like wine and I was happy to get drunk off it.

I retracted my teeth and fell back against the pillows, exhausted. He huffed, catching his breath and fell on top of me.
"Oooffff" I muttered and shoved him to the side, giggling. He snaked his arm around me and cuddled me close.

"Thank you for doing that. We'll be tired for a little bit. It takes a lot of energy to mark and be marked all at once." He sighed and placed his head in the crook of my neck.

"I'd like your parents to meet mine if that's ok?" He asked. I bit my nails and nodded yes.
I'm not sure that's a good idea. I don't think they like Noah.

Especially not my dad.

I thought back to his first encounter with them, when my dad accused Noah of IMPREGNATING me. My cheeks flushed again at the thought of it.

"Goodnight, Noah."

I closed my eyes to the sound of him snoring slightly.

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