Where Do We Go From Here

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And I Dream About You All The Time - 3 Doors Down ( Here Without You)

Chapter 9

...... nothing.

No one was screaming at me. I didn't have a imprinted slap mark on my face. I pinched myself to assure the fact that I was not in a dream.

... and I wasn't.

I tilted my head to the left trying to maintain my composure at the same time.

No one was there.

I maneuvered towards my bed to grab the shirt and noticed my sister's bed was empty.

With a rapid pace , I placed one arm in then the other into the shirt.

I launched myself towards the window.

Slid it open with haste and allowed the wind to bellow in.

Placing my finger over my lip to remind the boy whether he was aware of this or not , bad timing was his forte.

A sudden urge to yell at Alfonso was surging through my body.

How did he find my house ? Why did he come ? How fast could I get him to leave ? The last and most important question. Where was this going ?

Not sure of how long it would be before my sister returned from who knows where , I sat on the window ceil .

Concluding that remaining calm would probably make this moment go faster , I decided to listen to what he had to say.

" What are you doing here ? "

" This isn't some cliche chick flick and if you didn't notice my mom isn't white she will not put up with this --- "

pausing --

" -- this what ever you doing exactly , what is that ? "

Rambling on and on.

He grabbed my face and looked into my eyes.

Grabbing his arms I removed his hands from my face.

" How do you expect this to go you come here we kiss and we run into the sun set. "

"Wow you're a conceited person don't you think?"

" I just came here to apologize " he blurred out.

Matching the color of a tomato before this moment his cheeks simmered down.

" Well that is still about me isn't it ?"

" You know what let me go with my apology .."

" No , No , No " deep down inside something in me wanted him to stay and it was screaming out now. More like low whispers but you get it.

Changing the topic , I circumvented the issue.

" So , how did your girl react to you when you got back ? "

" Well , I didn't really go back per-say .

I kinda just took my moms car and left .. again ."

Shockingly to me I didn't know parents allowed this. Alfonso was a freshman like me , I concurred . I was sure the highest form of license he had was his restricts.

" Is your mom waiting for you in the car .....? "

" Umm , no ?"

" What if a cop had stopped you , what the world would you have done then ? "

He reached into his pocket pulled out his wallet.

" I would show them my license of course , " He retorted.

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