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          As I entered the room, I saw Sarah setting cross legged on her purple shag area rug, but she wasn't meditating, her eyes were darting around the room as objects levitated from the boxes and seemingly put themselves away.

          "What the hell, Sarah?" I shrieked. As soon as I spoke she jumped up, and the book that had been headed for the shelf hit the hardwood floor with a smack.

         "Uh-oh, Miranda! No-Shhh! I can explain!" She protested.

         "No one else is here. Why the hell didn't you tell me you are an Enchantress?" I shouted.

       "Shhh! How did you know about that?" She hissed.

      "No one else is home!" I said sternly.

        "Answer me!"

        "I'm an Enchantress too, but I don't levitate things. I just change people's minds." I was excited.

        "Change people's minds? How so?" She asked.

         "Okay, what are your plans tonight?" I challenged.

          "I was just going to unpack."

          "No, you are coming to my birthday party." I compelled.

        "I'm going to a party tonight," she paused. "Woah! Your a Siren!" She shouted.

         "I'm a what?" I asked, puzzled.

         "A Siren. You can manipulate thought patterns. You must be strong though, if you can effect an Enchantress." Sarah was in full monologue mode. " I just have telekinesis. It's no big deal, well you've seen. That's pretty much it." She droned.

          "Mom and Dad are both mortal-"

           "No more need be said. Now, we have a party to throw. Right, Coz?" She smirked.

           "Let's get to work."

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