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      I woke and immediately wanted to go back to sleep, because today was the day I'd been dreading for months. My cousin was moving in with us. On my eighteenth birthday! I climbed out of bed and quickly dressed, because birthday or not, I have for classes today. I study mythology at UNC and I can't miss another class or my professors will fail me. So as I drove to school  I try not too think of Sarah destroying my walk-in closet to make her bedroom.

          I parked in my spot and started for building  three where my "supernatural studies," as I called it, took place. Really it was psychology of mythology. Which just explained how crazy people were for believing in myths and why.

         "Miranda! OMG! Please tell me your cousin missed her flight or something. I can't believe you have family in New Orleans! It's just crazy that she had to come on your birthday. Is she trying to ruin your life?" Kayla rambled. I hated how shallow she was, but I'd been working her for months so she would get the beer for my party.

          "Ugh, I wish! She's ripping apart my closet  for her bedroom now. It's so unfair." I replied. "I gotta go I can't be late." I called as I ran up the steps.

      The rest if the day flashed by and before I knew it I was pulling back into my garage. I decided to check in on Sarah. As I climbed the stairs I felt more and more uneasy the closer I got to her room. But no matter what I had prepared for, I never expcted what I saw then that door swung open, almost as if on it's own...

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