CALUM: I loved her...

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"Calum stop! I need to go to school" She giggled as I tried to pull her back into bed with me.

"Tori Babe it's just year twelve, I didn't do it and look at me now!"
"Exactly, you're a punk who can't afford to buy clothes without holes" She laughed. I growl at her response as I slap her ass. She immediately snaps her head around to face me as she continues doing up the buttons on her white school shirt. I tug on the bottom of it pulling her back to me. "Cal stop, you'll wrinkle my shirt and then you'll have to iron it again!"

"That's okay, that means you'll have to take it off" She laughs at me before slipping on the rest of her uniform. To be completely honest, I didn't care what she was wearing or where she was going, all that I wanted was for her to be here with me. I jump up out of bed and wrap my arms around her, slowly kissing her neck and squeezing her tight. She turns around to face me and kisses my lips. That soft kiss I have missed so much. I close my eyes and take in her soft scent. I open my eyes and its two minutes past midnight. My hand moves up to my face and it's burning, red from the tears, and still soaked with them. I roll over and the picture of her next to my bed brings pain to my chest. It's been six weeks now, and every night, at the same time I wake up into this horrible reality. Every night at 12:02am, exactly twleve hours prior to her death. They said it was a blood clot in her brain as she was driving to school. She passed out behind the wheel and drove straight into oncoming traffic, and that there was nothing anyone could have done. I blame myself, and I always will.

It's been six weeks now, and she is the only thing that I have been able to think about. Lord why did you take her away from me. She was the only think keeping me stable, the glue holding all of my broken pieces together. Please, please tell me this is just one big dream that I am somehow unable to wake from. I wish I could rewind and tell you I love you just one more time, tell you how beautiful you are and tell you everything that I never got the chance to say. These things keep me up at night Victoria. I need you here to make me strong baby. Its torture it really is. Being stuck in this big cruel world without you, without my angel, my baby girl. Victoria you were the one who made me pick up my dirty clothes and you weren't afraid to tell me how it is. Your hands fit perfectly in mine, my arms wrapped around you perfectly. You always said what you wanted and you never let me down. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time and you were the one who had to pay for someone else's mistakes... If I haven't said it already, I need you.

"Calum. Dude open up!" I hear Luke yelling through the door at eight in the morning. I get up out of bed and slump over to the door to unlock it. As soon as it open I see Luke, Michael, Ashton, Harry, Bridget, Mali, Aila and Jade standing in the hallway of my small apartment block.

"What?" I growl as they all walk in straight past me.

"Dude you need to get up, you need to leave the apartment for once" Michael suggests picking up two empty pizza boxes.

"Calum honey, this is just sad" Aila pouts wrapping her arms around my shoulders. Aila and Bridget are my sister Mali's friends. Jade is Luke's girlfriend. That is how I met Tori, Jade and Tori were best friends. We always went out on double dates and our whole group used to hang out down at the old skate park, that was out place. Now it's just a memory I'll leave in the past.

"Calum come on, it's been six weeks. I'm sure Tors would be yelling her ass off at you to get up and out if she was here. Come on. We're taking you out!" Jade smiled giving me one of her tight hugs that almost suffocates you.

"Guys I know you're just trying to help, but I really don't want to go anywhere" I sit back down on my couch after Luke had moved half of the rubbish off of it.

"Dude, just lunch? Come on" Ashton begs.

"No, I don't want to go anywhere."

"Fine, Michael, plan B!"
"Okay, superman or Batman?" Michael says grabbing two CD's out of Bridget's hand bag.

"Tori hated Batman... So superman?"

"I'll put it in" Mali smiled grabbing the CD out of Michael's hand. They all sit down around me, Luke rested his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me and the other guys piled pillows and blankets on the floor. I honestly don't know what to point of this movie is but I know I most likely will not pay any attention to it.

The movie passed by quickly and by the end of it I had gobbled down a bowl of popcorn by myself and somehow fallen asleep during the second half. Luke woke me up when the credits started rolling and the girls along with Harry decided to go out for lunch. I know Michael has a massive crush on Bridget, so the only thing the guys talked about after the girls left was how Michael was too scared to make a move during the movie. I hate when the guys talk about this sort of thing around me. It's not that it makes me sad but it makes me feel awkward. Eventually they will realise what they/re talking about and apologise for it and then the whole thing will be weird. I don't want my best friends to feel weird around me. I want them to feel like they can be themselves. I stand up and head into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee.

"Coffee anyone?" I call out into the lounge room.

Ashton replies with a "De-caff, 1 sugar please mate" and the other guys politely decline. I make the coffees and head back into the lounge room. They've changed the conversation to band practice, they're now talking about when we should get back to the studio and get back into performing. I'm really not ready to go back to performing in front of thousands of people, although I know that was Victoria's favourite thing. Watching me perform on stage. I'll get back to it in due time. Maybe the guys are right, maybe it's about time I leave the house and pick myself back up. Slugging around here all day isn't going to bring Tori back... She loved golf, maybe I'll go play some putt-putt.

"Hey guys, anyone up for putt-putt?" They all look at me, shock filled their faced and their jaws smacked the ground. I roll my eyes and shake my head "...soo?" They all nod; one by one we file out of the small apartment building meeting the rest of the gang at putt-putt minutes later.

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