Ch. 3 : Flight

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I decided to head out now. I wouldn't waste any more time here at a stupid ball when I could already be sealing a major business deal. I walk through the crowd of people not caring about some rude stares. Go ahead gold digger hate on me. Sorry, you had to marry an old man. Not. Hard work pays off.

I was about to step up the stairs when I'm turned around by Auction man. He smiles at me and pulls me through the people, and to the dance floor. People surround us as we dance. "Nice to see you," he says. "Nice of you to get me here," I tell him which causes him to chuckle. "My name Hugo," he says.

"My names Naomi," I tell him. "The songs almost done, I really should get going," I tell him. "We'll see each other later one. Won't we?" He asks. I laugh internally and nod. Sure. The song ends and I pull away from him and head back to the stairs and practically run up them.

I pull my phone out and call my pilot to ask if the jets ready. He says yes and I smile as paparazzi blast me. I head to my car and get in. I beep at some paparazzi who are behind me to let me go through. They don't move so I step on it, watching them move out of the way. I drive forward and head off to the airport.

I finally arrive, park and head in. I go through security and go into the runway. "Did my things arrive?" I asked as I'm stepping inside the jet. "Yes, came around 12," Kyle says. I nod at that and head to my seat. "Would you like anything?" Kris asks. I shake my head as I buckle up. She leaves and we wait for the plane to take way.

After a few minutes were up in the air, and I unbuckle and stand up and head to the bedroom in the back and change into normal clothes. I go back to my seat and pull out my laptop and get to work on some final details of a few contracts from back home.

Hours pass before I'm getting told to buckle up again. "What time is it?" I ask kris. "Almost 5" she replies. The jet lands and I stand up and head out. I pull my phone out and call Philip. "Allo?" He asks. "I'm in France now, get up were having a meeting now," I tell him and hang up.

"Your luggage" kris says and I thank her as I head to the back of the jet where I see the door opening revealing my car. They drive it back and I watch as it stops moving. I walk over to it and wait for Matthew to get out and I step in. "I'll see you guys later," I tell them and drive off. I decide to turn the music on since it'll be an hour before I reach my destination.

R&B plays and I move my head to the beat as I lip-sync the song. The whole drive consists of me thumping my hands to the beat on the steering wheel. I have to thank my dad for his love of music. I finally arrive and park outside a huge building. I step out and head into the building.

The receptionist greets me and tells me where to go. I head to the elevator and head to the top floor. It opens and I head in. "How may I help you?" The receptionist asks. "I have a meeting with Philip," I tell her.

She seems taken back by my first name bases. "Yes, mam". I watch as she calls and tells Philip I'm out. "You may go in," she says as she puts the phone down and I smile. I walk towards the doors and go in to see Philip looking out his window.

"Philip" I exclaim and watch as he turns around and walks over to me and we hug. "How are you?" He asks. "I'm doing fine, I see you have something with you P.A," I tell him as I sit. "Oh nothing gets pass you" he exclaims and we chuckle.

"How may I help you?" He asks. "I want to open an account with your bank," I tell him directly. "Straight to the point, like always". I nod. "Its a bit complicated," he says. "I don't see why". "I have to ask permission from the state and you need permission as well. There's a lot of calls I have to make. Plus it's risky" he explains and sits straighter.

I notice his change in posture and stand up and look around his room. I walk to his desk and place the phone where it should be. I also move around his room to spot two cameras and swiftly cover them.

Aside from that, I tell him to stand up and hug him, searching for a small wire to notice he does have one. A tracker. I pull away and smile. "Don't worry" I tell him and look at my watch and click a button on it.

"Ouch," he says and I smile at that. "Money makes everything easier," I tell him and point to my watch. He smiles and we get down to business after 30 minutes we solve everything and I sign the contract. I click my watch again and the signal comes back on. "You know, you should get one of these," I tell him.

"I should," he says and I smile at that. We say goodbye and I head out of his office and to my next destination.

The ride isn't that long. I park outside a club and enter it. "Boss is downstairs," a built-up man says. "I know," I tell him and open my legs shoulder length and extend my arms so he can search me. "Your good to go," he says. "I'm always good," I tell him and smirk.

He leads me to an elevator and we head down. The doors open and there he is. Weston Jason. "Hello, pretty lady" he greets. I smile at that and go sit in front of him. "Your brother came," he tells me. "I bet he did".

"He offered a good deal," he says. "So you're going to partner up with him?" I ask seriously, my smile dropping. "Of course not, I always preferred to do business with women. Their more carrying, more sincere, and more loyal unless betrayed". I nod at that and show him a contract and hand him a suitcase.

I watch as he opens it and pulls a package of drugs out. He opens it and smiles. "What are these?' He asks. "A new synthetic drug," I tell him. "Did you have your guys work on it?" He asks as he drops the small pill in a tube. It turns a red color. I nod

"Wow," he says as he looks at the purity. "And it's safe?" He asks. I nod again. "Your brother needs to step his game up". I raise an eyebrow at that and watch as he pulls a package out and gives it to me. I scuff at the powder substance. "He can't be serious" I whisper to myself and shake my head.

"I'll offer 2.5 million," he says. I shake my head at that."I want 5" I tell him. "That's a lot". "I'm not stupid. And I know you're not either. 6 months ago my market share of European distribution was 0. Today I'm moving 50 kilos a week. Do you want to wait until I've doubled that to negotiate with me?" I ask in a serious tone.

He looks at me seriously and shakes his head. "Here," I tell him as I hand him a pen. I watch as he signs the contract and smile at that and stand up. "It was a pleasure doing business with you" and with that, I leave.

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