Chapter Eighteen: First Love ♥

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The days went by in a blink of an eye, and I had some reconnecting to do with Allison. Luckily for me, she agreed to talk with me about what happened at the school. I was pleased that she wasn't too mad about me staying behind and tried to give them more time, because I only wanted them safe from harm. In the end, we 'kissed and made up' as the saying goes

I had a better chance of living then them...


I had a text from Scott last night stating that he saved Derek's life once again, and that he found a few things about the Alpha

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I had a text from Scott last night stating that he saved Derek's life once again, and that he found a few things about the Alpha. Our chemistry teacher, Harris was attacked by the Alpha but Derek saved him just in time. So somehow he's wrapped up in all of this. The second thing Derek found out was some sort of symbol. I had never seen the symbol before, but Scott knew where he's seen it before. It was Allison's...

I walked up the stone steps of the High School, my bag laced over my body, it banging against my waist as I walked. I see Scott and Stiles approach the entrance of the school that was the door of the parking lot. I rushed over to them, as my heels clicked on the floor. Scott quickly turning around to see me, he really heard my heels clicking and my scent.

"Guys, hey," I spoke softly, as a student opened the door from the other side and exited the school, holding the door open for me as I smiled.

"Hey Alice," Stiles states, as Scott gives me a nod, his mind was somewhere else.

"This is gonna be impossible, you know," Scott spoke after we entered the building, looking to both Stiles and I as I was on his right side.

"Why don't you just ask her if you can borrow it?" Stiles asked, not really grasping the concept of it.

"How?" I asked, as both sets of eyes landed on me, my eyebrow cocked up.

"It's easy. You just say, 'Hey Allison, can I borrow your necklace to see if there's anything on it or in it that can lead me to an Alpha werewolf that I need to kill in order to get back together with you?'" Stiles states, as we walk further into the school.

"That's not helping," Scott quickly replies, as we came to a slow steady pace of a walk.

"Why don't you just talk to her?" I asked, looking at Scott. "I've talked to her and we are great now,"

"It's different for you though, she won't talk to me," Scott states stressed, and it was true she still hasn't forgiven Scott. "What if she, like, only takes it off in the shower or something?"

"That's why you ease back into it, ok? Get back on the good side," Stiles states, as we came to the main hallway, just coming to a halt in the middle. "Remind her of the good times. And then you ask for the necklace," Stiles hits Scott's chest gently, gesturing he can do it. Scott was silent for a moment, gazing away from our eyes. I made a disgusted sound, and rolled my eyes, as I knew what he was thinking.

"Really Scott, you're thinking of her in the shower aren't you?" I asked, really not impressed with him. He gives us a small smirk, I huff, before walking away from them both, but I could hear Stiles's hand smack into Scott's chest. I couldn't help smirk at them both, they were best friends, and whatever is thrown at them, they would do it together. It's an unshakeable bond between two people, and I know what it feels like. But this was centuries ago...


Lesson's passed and now I had a free period. I walk through the hallway, passing Scott who was at his locker getting some papers out. I see Allison further down the hallway, holding books close to her chest, as she smiles as she sees me. I smile back, widely, as we approach each other

"Hey," I state, as we were close enough. We stopped as I embraced her into a hug as she held her books steady.

"Hey, how's your day going?" She replied, as we pulled back from each other, she smiled ear to ear.

"Good, but I feel like it's going to shit any minute," I state, as I look around the hallway, student's at their lockers and walking to their next classes.

"Why?" She asked, her face confused.

"Well you see..." I paused for dramatic effect as I lent in closer to her. "I'm psychic," I state, with seriousness held within my voice. Her eyes skinned over mine, a look of disbelief on her face, her lips slightly parted as her eyebrows knitted together.

 Her eyes skinned over mine, a look of disbelief on her face, her lips slightly parted as her eyebrows knitted together

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I chuckled at her look, as she continued to look at me weirdly. "I'm joking Allison," a look of joy came to her expression, as she smiled, letting out a small laugh.

"Oh, haha you had me going there. There's no such thing," she replied, smiling like she was right. I smirk at her comment.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked, my voice laced with uncertainty of her answer. But before she could reply, I walked away, leaving her stunned and to question her own mind. But she knew that nothing like that was real...

How wrong she is...


I wondered in the class that had Lydia, I and Allison in but also had Scott and Stiles in, this wasn't going to be pretty. I sat to the left of Allison, as to the right of her was a free space. I look to the door to see Scott waltzing in and see a free seat next to Allison, he quickly rushes over, but is suddenly stopped by Lydia who slams her books down onto the table.

"Try another row, sweetheart," she states, my eyes wandered over Scott as he just took a seat behind Lydia, but I couldn't help but smirk at Lydia's comment.

"Ok, class let's settle down. Let's get our books out," I grabbed my book from my black leather bag, and placed it onto the table in front of me, as I listened to the teacher. I could hear Scott begin to talk to Allison but I didn't need the drama right now, so I zoned out of the conversation. Since I became a vampire, I could shut off my super hearing so I don't hear as well. So basically I hear like a human, but lately I've been on edge with Derek laying low and other things that are going on, I've been using it to my advantage, but it was nice to relax. A few moments passed and the teacher finished writing on the chalkboard and turned to face her class.

"All right, I'd like to return to our discussion from yesterday with a more in-depth analysis of lago, and the way in which he preyed upon Othello's jealousies..." The teacher spoke, but I heard rummaging next me and suddenly Allison walked by me, her face clearly upset, but before I could do anything Scott came rushing pass also, and they both went out of the classroom.

"We seem to have some here today," the female teacher replied as her eyes followed Allison and Scott out of the classroom. I could feel Allison's emotions from here, it was heartache and pain in sadness. I know Scott was her first love and his first love also, and it's hard when you lose the one you love.

But life goes on, they find new people... Or sometimes they find their way back to their first love...

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