Chapter Four: Illegal Digging!

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"You know this is kind of illegal." I said, while pointing to the shovels as they quickly picked them back up. Stiles cocked his head over at Scott for a split second. "Oh, my God. You think Derek killed that girl. And you think he buried her here." I crossed my arms, as I looked at them both, my gaze threatening.

"Uh, that's. Hmm...Yeah." Stiles tries to form the right sentence, but he couldn't. Rubbing his shaved hair, as he looks to Scott.

"Well you better keep digging then..." I state, as I unfolded my arms, and keeled down, as they didn't waste any time to dig. "What if he comes back?"

"Then we get the hell out of here." Stiles replied, as they kept digging further into the ground.

"What if he catches us?" Scott states, as he held worry in his tone.

"I have a plan for that."

"Do enlighten us Stiles." I asked, while looking at him dead on. He turned around to face me, him inches from mine.

"You run one way, I run the other, and Scott runs the other. Whoever he catches first, too bad."

"I hate that plan." Scott adds, as they kept on digging. As Scott digs a pile of dirt out, Stiles hits something. I stood from my crouch position, too, looking down at them.

"All right. Stop, stop, stop!" He flings his shovel to the ground above, as he bends down and starts to wipe away the dirt. Soon enough, a rope came into view, and a sheet that was tied up. He began to untie the knots to get into it. But something didn't settle with me. As both knuckle heads were busy uniting the knots, I crouched back down. My hand hovering inches from the dirt, like I was sensing something within the ground. Something magical.

Suddenly, screams pierced my ears as both the knuckleheads jumped out of the small hole, making me jump back in surprise. As they scream their lungs off.

"Idiots!" I shout slowly, as I peered past them, looking down to see a wolf's head, missing it's rest of the body.

"What the hell is that?" Stiles asked, totally freaked out at the matter.

"It's a wolf." Scott replied, sounding surprised to see a wolf.

"We can see that." I commented as I looked more closely at the wolf's head. It's mouth was open, the tongue dangling out, it looked like it's been dead a bit.

"I thought you said you smelled blood? As in human blood?" Stiles rushed out, looking to Scott for confirmation.

"I told you something was different." Scott replied, eyeing Stiles up.

"This doesn't make sense."

"Figure it out later, just cover the poor thing back up." I state, as they both lean closer to the drape that was covering it in the first place.

"Yeah, okay, help me cover this up." Stiles went to cover the wolf up, but then noticed the flower across the way. I looked at where he was looking. All of a sudden, I was pulled into a trance-like state, I could hear what they were talking about, but I didn't want to speak.

"It's wolfsbane." I finally spoke, as they both looked at me shocked. Scott had no idea what I was on about, but Stiles on the other hand knew what I was talking about.

"What's that?" Scott added. He was a total newbie at being a werewolf. As Stiles tried to explain what it was, referencing movies about it. I walked closer to the flower, I looked down at it, but crouched as I placed my hand over it's flower head. Swaying my hand over it, reading its energy. It's wolfsbane alright, but it was placed here for a reason, it was here to keep something hidden.

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