Chapter Ten: Selflessness

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Luckily, I had gotten out of Derek's place before Kate and her goons left. I was thankful that I still had my magic with me, or I would have had to kill them, but hey, still doubting it though. Stiles had told me what Lydia had on her phone, and I was glad that he had deleted it from it, because she shouldn't be dragged into this whole werewolf thing, right now. Then Allison told me that her Dad had shot a wild animal in the school's car park, but I didn't want to know anymore, it would only make me want to get involved even more. But even that proved difficult right now.

Selflessness is in my blood, I couldn't help it. If I know that people could use my help, I lend it to them because I'm a kind person. If I just walked away from them, what would that make me. A bad person? No, it would make me a selfish person, for not aiding them, and if I could make a difference that's even better. But I knew deep down that one day I would have to reveal myself true self to them, if I really wanted them to trust me.

I had time for that. Being Immortal and all...


I sat in the canteen with Lydia and Allison. Lydia looked better after the accident at the store and what she saw, but there was something in her eyes that made me think otherwise. Allison on the other hand, looked excited as she held a book in her hand. As I sat next to the right of Lydia who was at the head of the table, and Allison was on my right, facing both of us.

"The what of who?" Lydia asked as she waved her fork in front of her, as Allison had asked us both something and Lydia didn't know.

"The beast of Gevaudan," Allison replied with excitement in her voice. "Listen... 'A quadruped wolf-like monster, prowling the Auvergne and south Dordogne areas of France during the year 1764 to 1767... La Bete killed over a hundred people becoming so infamous that King Louie the 15th sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it'," Allison read from her book, she fantasised about it. All I remember was the wine and the crown of King Louie the 15th, what a night...

"Boring," Lydia states, as she points her fork forward but then back. Allison didn't take notice of Lydia's remark, I found the story to be fantasising. I watched her from my position, my body turned to face her.

"Even the church eventually declared the monster a messenger of Satan," Allison carried on, her eyes never leaving Lydia's or mine.

Lydia makes a 'Hmm' noise, whether to decide if it's interesting. "Still boring," she declared, eating something off of her fork.

"Cryptozoologists believe it may have been a subspecies of hoofed predator, possibly a mesonychid,"

"'Slipping into a coma' bored," Lydia replied, really not taken by the story, as another metal sound from her fork, made contact with her teeth.

"While others believe it was a powerful sorcerer who could shape-shift into a man-eating monster," Allison states, her voice going low as she states the word 'Monster'.

"Does any of this have anything to do with your family?" I finally asked. Though it was interesting, did it have anything to do with her family history. Heck I was alive then.

"This..." she states before looking back down to the book. "It is believed that La Bete was finally trapped and killed by a renown hunter who claimed his wife and four children was the first to fall prey to the creature..." I looked at Allison as she railed her head back up to meet our gaze. "His name was Argent,"

"Your ancestors killed a big wolf. So what," Lydia replied, not really taking interest into it. But if only she knew what was really out there.

"Not just a big wolf Lydia," I state, backing Allison up on her family history.

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