You Are...

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You Are...

Do not say that you love without hate,

but say that you love equally with the power of hates rage.

Do not say their is war and not peace,

but say their is war and peace all around me.

Do not say their is no truth and only lie,

but say their is the imperical truth that outweighs the savage lie.

Do not say their is no hope in the world,

because I see the white-lit candle in all the souls in this world.

Do you hear me today...

do not just hear me but listen as well,

because you are the white-lit candle in these dark nights.

You are the souls I love with a greater amount of power than that of hates rage.

You are the souls that make me see the truth in the muggy ocean of lies.

You are the peace around my world, and the war is just inside.

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