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you will read the word 'b*tch' a lot, brace yourselves.


ahem okay-

"So I’m gonna send a confession"

very well, go on child.

"I have this friend who’s a bitch"

that is a very friendly start

"She’s like a full on bitch"

thank you for elaborating

"I pretend to be her friend"

thats not the best thing to do my child, if you don't feel the need to maintain a nice healthy friendship with someone, you don't have to pretend.

"And she um likes this perverted boy that stalks people"

very unique interests

"And he knows where I live"

move away

"I sit next to the pervert in class"

move away

"And he told me that he dreamed of having sex with the bitch"

let's name her clara

"And then he said that when he’s older he wants to be a teacher so he can take kids home when they misbehave and like um take them"

excuse me? that is absolutely disgusting and you should not be interacting with these kinds of people whether he's serious or it's a sick joke. that's sickening.

"And he said he practices sex with his mirror I’m not even sure how he does that but"

he's not practicing he's getting accustomed to his forever single life as a disgusting human being.

"Anyways um clara accused me of liking him"

error: holy water does not exactly understand what is to be forgiven but appreciates the storytime.

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