
21 2 0

Arms behind my back you hold
As I keep shouting
"No, no!"

Then muffle my voice
As if to hide
Your crime

Arm circled around my waist
Creeps lower and lower
Till it's a cold embrace

My shirt slips off
And then my pants
I told you I never wanted this

Soon your hands grip my hips
And you whisper
"Oh you'll love this"

Tears streaming down my face
All I want
Is to get out of this place

When all is said
And all is done
You leave me there after all your fun

As I lay there
Contemplating my worth
You go clean up as though nothing happened

That night I get home
Question all that I ever saw in you
And stay anyway

I'll never understand
Why you did what you did that day
But I hope no other girl experiences you that way

Poetry of My ThoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now