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That was the
Only way to describe
This feeling.

A ginormous weight
Constantly weighing
Her down.

She feels as if
She is not and will never be
Strong enough.

What she doesn't know
Is that she is
One of the strongest of all.

She won't allow herself
To see anything other than
The imperfections in her.

She doesn't realize
That those imperfections are
What makes her so beautiful.

The blue ambiguity
That he finds within
Her eyes.

The gentle curl
Of her
Dark chocolate hair.

The light that her
Smile can bring
To this world.

And lastly,
Something within;
Her compassion.

Her compassion
Is always the first thing
That people notice in her personality.

If only
She could see
All of this.

Maybe then
The weight of her world upon her
Wouldn't be so


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