Six: His Favor

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Six: His Favor

When Jongin ran out of the café after Jongdae and Mira announced their wedding, he had no idea where to go. He didn't know what to do other than crying and hurting. He was behaving pathetically and the people who saw him running gave him weird looks but what could they expect from him, jump in joy and celebrate in glee? The love of his life was getting married with someone that wasn't him and that was a more-than-enough reason for him to grieve.

He was out of breath as he neared his dorm so he stopped running to catch it. He was blindly going against the rain and it surprised him that he didn't get into any accident. Maybe the heavens saw how miserable he already was so they spared him from any more misfortunes.

Jongin's clothes and shoes felt heavy after getting soaked in the rain and the other dorm residents were worried when they saw him enter. However, Jongin ignored them and dragged himself back to his dorm room. He walked like a zombie with a blank mind. He hoped that Kyungsoo wouldn't be inside the room because he didn't want his friends to see how devastated he might look like right now.

But, of course, things wouldn't just go the way he wanted them to be.

"What happened to you? Did someone die?" Kyungsoo's eyes widened even more when he took in Jongin's appearance.

Jongin moved past him and shut their dorm room close. "I did."

His roommate furrowed his brows. "Huh?"

Jongin turned to Kyungsoo with a dead look on his eyes and sighed depressingly. "Hyung and Mira are getting married."

Kyungsoo gaped in shock. He looked like he was about to say something but seeing the expression on Jongin's face, he closed his mouth and patted Jongin's back. Jongin just continued walking towards their bathroom to take a shower. He was dripping wet and he would most probably catch a cold if he didn't get out of his clothes soon.

When he had finally stripped himself out of his clothes, he stepped under the showerhead and let the hot water fall all over him, hoping that the pain would be washed away, too. But sadly, it didn't.


Jongin couldn't remember how his friends managed to drag him out of his dorm room. Out of all the times Sehun and Tao could visit him, they chose that day and so they found out his condition. The dumb duo thought that alcohol was the best medicine for a broken heart so they forced him to change clothes and brought him to who knows where. Kyungsoo tagged along since he was worried that their two idiotic friends would put Jongin into trouble.

"You need to talk, Jongin. Let it all out. You haven't said anything since we came to your dorm and it's scaring us, dude." Tao coaxed him.

"Have you gone mute or something?" Sehun tilted his head as he asked.

"Like I've said for a million times already, he needs to be alone. So can we just go home now?" Kyungsoo said exasperatedly.

But the two ignored him and continued prodding Jongin. "Jongin, talk." Tao nudged him. "You can punch us or throw things or destroy everything at this place –"

"Hey, you're going to pay if he really does that, Zi Tao." Sehun interjected.

" – or just simply talk to us calmly and cry." Tao continued to say, but Jongin still avoided looking at his friends. His eyes lazily scanned the place he was in and he recognized it as one of the bars where they usually hung out. They liked the place because it was quiet and classy but not even the cozy ambience could calm the turmoil inside him.

"What do I have to say?" Jongin murmured quietly and sighed. He brought the glass of gin to his lips to taste. Up until now, he wasn't much of a drinker but the bitterness was tolerable more than what he felt right now.

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