Nine: His Goodbye

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Nine: His Goodbye

Jongin held the cup of coffee on his hand and brought it his lips for a tentative sip. He hid his grimace as the bitterness reached his tongue. He wasn't really fond of coffee, but well, they were in a coffee shop.

"You're still not into coffee, huh?" Soojung said amusedly.

"Not really. I should have just gotten something less bitter. But then, drinking Americano makes me look more mature." He replied playfully.

She chuckled lightly. "No, it does not. You're still a kid." She countered.

"Hey, I just turned twenty-two!"

Soojung raised an amused brow. "Whatever you say, Kim Jongin." She took a sip of her own café latte. "I'm glad that you're loosening up right now. You seem to be bothered with something when we left the company."

There was a pause before his response. "Just had a lot of things in mind."

She looked at him skeptically before nodding. "Well, we all have a lot of things going on inside our heads. I have yet to find time to clear my mind." She sighed. "But anyway, Jongin, how have you been? I haven't heard much about you all these years."

"Same old, same old. I just kept a low profile." Soojung rolled her eyes at his statement and he laughed. "I was just really busy with books and thesis papers."

"You're such a nerd." She teased.

"I'll take that as a compliment." He grinned. "But let's not talk much about me. I heard you're a big shot now in the interior designing business. Hyung only hires the best, you know."

"Hey, quit it. I just started. Your brother just trusts me on this because we know each other."

"I know it's just not that. You've always had a way with designing and arranging furniture like they're people."

"I can't decide if I'll take that as a compliment." She shook her head, giggling. "Oh, by the way, I was really surprised when your brother gave me an invitation. Time sure flies by so fast. He's getting married with Mira a few weeks from now. Wow."

He almost choked on his coffee. "Yeah. Wow." He tried not to be sarcastic on the last part.

But even if he tried to, Soojung still strangely knew him well. Her face registered worry. "Wait, Jongin, are you.. still in love with Mira?"

"No." He answered a little too quickly.

Much to his dismay, she didn't buy it. She sighed. "You know that this isn't going to turn out good, right?"

"I've always known. I'm just stupid, I guess."

"Have you ever told her how you felt?"

"Yeah, just last week."

"Really, really stupid." Soojung agreed to this previous statement. "Well, we're all stupid when it comes to love. But Jongin.."


"I'm sure you already know this and I'm probably not the first one to tell you, but you should stop. I always knew you were head over heels for her but I thought that you got over it. It's not really wrong that you feel that way for her but this situation right now is just too complicated. You'll just keep on hurting yourself." She advised kindly.

"Sometimes, it's not in your hands if you would stop loving someone or not. If this would be of any help, I'm really trying right now." He replied, a whisper more to himself.

Both of them were silent for a moment until Soojung said in a quiet voice, "They say that the love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned. You can't easily let go of that love because you're always there, waiting for that person to look your way and feel the same way that you do. We're humans and we always yearn for affection but even if a million people loved us, if it's not that person, it would never be enough."

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