Chapter 10 : Official

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Ja'Paris POV

Asia grabbed my hand as we walked on the beach. Tomorrow was her graduation day, off to the real world she goes. I still haven't asked her to be my girl. But I'm done fronting on her. I gotta get her before I lose her and that isn't about to happen. I'm Ja'Paris DeCaprio Prescott.

" Babe. " I said stopping Asia and I in our beach walk.

" Yes love. " She smiled at me.

I got down on one knee in the sand. I can wipe the sand off later, it's not as important as this moment. " Asia Milan Diàz will you be my girl officially ? You been my backbone this whole time and my Woadie as well. So what do you say Babe ? "
" Yes of course. " She said through tears.
I placed the promise ring on her ring finger.
" I love it babe. " she said smiling at her ring. " Can I see my phone please ? "
I took her phone out my shorts pocket and handed to her. She took a quick picture of the ring and off to Instagram it went. Then she grabbed me and then we took a picture as well.

"Now it's off to Instagram. " She smiled.
I started walking and then I felt her jump on my back. I held onto her tightly as I walked us down the beach. She rested her head on my back. I didn't want to wake her, but she had to get in the car some how. I slid her off my back and scooped her in my arms. I placed her carefully in the front seat of my 2014 Land Rover.
She slept peacefully as I drove her back to her parents home. I fixed the covers I placed over her body as I came to a light. She slept like was my real life Sleeping Beauty . The light turned green so I began proceeding straight, until a mailman delivery truck hit my side of the car.
His light was red and he still proceeded and all I remember was " Scrrrrrrrrrr. " My rover sung and looking over at a not moving Asia. That side didn't even get hit by the delivery truck, but a car pulling out hit her side on the front, causing her air bag to blow up. I touched her neck for a pulse and received one. I quickly called 911.
911 Operator - What's your emergency ?
Me - There's been accident and my car has been hit and my girlfriend, she's hurt bad. She has a pulse though.
I looked over at Asia. She's trying to move.
" I can't move. " She murmured before her eyes shut.
" Oh my gosh. She can't move and she just closed her eyes. " I said loud enough for the operator to hear me.
911 Operator - We have your location help is on the way. Try to keep her awoke.
Me - Thank you so much and I'll try. Good bye thanks again.
911 Operator - No you must stay on the phone with me till help arrives.
" Asia baby wake up for me. " I whispered in her ear.
She whisper whined. " I'm getting sleepy though. Let me sleep. "
I whispered back, " no baby you gotta stay awake. Help is on the way. "
My air bag was apparently messed up because it didn't blow up. I could move my side barely got hit by the mail delivery. But my door was crushed in and couldn't open. Asia could get her door open but being that she's so fragile she couldn't move.
I heard sirens in the air. "Ma'am help has arrived. " I told the 911 Operator.
911 Operator - It was nice speaking with you and I hope your girlfriend and you are safe. God bless you and yours. Goodbye.
Me - Thank you same to you and goodbye. Thanks again.
Click. We both hung up at the same time.


Asia POV
I hear voices but I can't open my eyes. My mother is crying by my bedside. I hear my baby brother asking, Why me ? But I don't hear my Paris voice. No please don't let me up and I have to hear he's dead. Eyes open now what are you doing to me ?
I try moving the muscle in my arm to sit up, but my body just won't budge. So I try to move my neck and it's just sitting there as though my whole body has become numb.
"Mr. Prescott is up and doing fine. You can visit him now. " I overheard the nurse say.
" Can he be discharged now or no ?" I heard his father ask.
" Mr. Prescott were gonna keep his over night for observations. He says he's not in pain but sometimes the pain comes over night. He can be discharged tomorrow morning if he does fine tonight. " the nurse answered his question.
" Well could you have his bed rolled into this room were in now. We're all family and we wanna be by both sides if it's possible. " My mother spoke up.
" Yes Dr. Díaz I'll have them do it right now. " The nurse reported.
My mother smiled. " Thank you and also we appreciate the private rooms we have received for both our children. Thanks again.
" No problem Dr. Díaz. Mr. Prescott will joining all of you shortly. " The nurse spoke before walking out.
Five minutes later Ja'Paris was being rolled in. " Mom, Pops, LeeLee, Pop and ma - in law, LeeAnna, and my brother. We were all together as one again. Bella got dropped off at her friends house before Ja'Paris parents came.
" Hey son. How you feeling ? " His mother asked him.
A smile appeared on his face. " I'm straight. How's babygirl ? "
My mother slide further in front of me. I smelt her Chanel perfume. I tried to smile. Yes I know at times I show hatred towards her but ever since, Cruz and I birthday our relationship has gotten better.
" She's breathing but she's in a deep sleep. The doctors say she's in a sleeping coma. They don't know when she'll wake up. " my mother stuttered through tears.
His voice was cracky from crying. " What do you mean a sleeping coma. So you mean to tell me that hit did this to her. She was asleep before the accident happen as well though. "
" Paris, her sleeping could have triggered her to go into a deep sleep. She'll wake up soon." My mother said as my father wiped her tears away.
Paris threw a pillow.
" Calm down son everything is gonna be alright. I promise. " His mother soothed him by rubbing his hands softly.
" We brought get well gifts. Are you guys up yet ? " LeAnna said as her and Cruz reentered the room.
Paris began crying at the thought that Asia isn't awoke.
" Did I say something wrong ? " LeAnna whispered.
Paris slightly yelled. " As a matter of fact you did. Asia isn't up. She's sleeping. She's in a deep sleep. He said through tears. "Sleeping Beauty. He whispered.
LeeAnna whispered softy through tears. " I'm sorry I didn't know Capri. I thought she was awoke as well. I didn't mean any harm brother. "
" Well you thought wrong." He said harshly to LeeAnna.
LeAnna ran out the room, my brother, her mom and my mom went after her.

What has gotten into Paris. He isn't that harsh or even mean for that matter to Anna or no one for that matter. What's wrong with my prince.
" Look son I know your upset about Asia being in a sleeping coma but that was not the way to handle it by speaking that way to your sister. " His father said sincere but disappointed.
" Your fathers right. That's your sister ether way it goes. My magdalena (cupcake) is in a sleeping coma and nothing I can do or you or these doctors can do can wake her up. The only person who can do something is her. We just have to pray that she wakes soon. " my father preached.
I was crying listening to what they each told him about my condition.
" Ese es mi bebé. Estoy tan molesto que no podía protegerla de que esto ocurra. Quiero que mi chica. Como si yo no voy a ser lo mismo sin mi nena. "
( That's my baby. I'm just so upset that I couldn't protect her from this occurring. I want my girl back. Like I'm not gonna be the same without my babygirl.)
" I know son. She'll be okay. We just gotta pray. " He said before hugging his son.
Paris broke into tears and my father joined them and shortly after he was crying as well.

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