Meet The Cast

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"I can't believe we got the part!"

Kaya's rambling again.

"I mean I can believe it, but I can't and I'm so excited and-"

"Shut up."

"Sorry I'm just excited."

"Just concentrate on driving,  okay?"

God, she drives me insane. I'm excited too though, obviously. We don't usually get chosen as main characters, just a background person with seven costumes and one line. The audition was weird too. Usually, it's all done over a computer, and there's only one person interview ing us at a time. This was set up like a game show.

I'm so excited though. I've heard they're trying out some new special effects for this one, to seem more realistic. It's gotta be hard though, since everything looks so real already. But, I guess in the past everything like that always seemed like it was really realistic and couldn't get better, then some new graphics were made and the old ones seemed stupid and ancient.

I jolt forward as Kaya slams on the breaks, shouting apologies to the little kid she nearly crushed.

"You've gotta be more careful, Kaya."

God, she just constantly screws up, and no one ever cares for more than five seconds. I do something wrong and everyone hates me for days, but Kay gets off scot free. It really isn't fair.

Another jolt. "We're here!" says Kaya, clicking off her seatbelt and slamming the car door. I follow suit, grabbing our scripts from the seat. And we enter the theatre for our first rehersal.

"Hello!" We're greeted by a cheery lady holding a script.

"You're Kaya and Seren, correct?"


"Great, great" She says and leads us to a small gathering of people.

" These are your fellow cast members, do get to know each other. I'm just going to sort some things out, won't be a minute." She says, before hurrying off into a different room.

A tall girl with short brown hair introduces us to herself "Hello, sorry if Irene seems a little overbearing, she's very busy sorting out the effects and props and god knows what else. I'm Megan by the way, pleased to meet you."

"Oh, hi" Kaya says, cheery as ever "I'm Kaya and this is Seren."


Megan introduces us to Dafid, a short blond boy with a thick accent, Eve, a girl so alike Kaya they could be twins, Kira, a pretty girl with long red hair and no small amount of sarcasm, and James, a tall boy with brown hair reading his script quickly and repeating lines to himself and looking incredibly flustered.

"James never checks his email and didn't know he got the part until today, and hasn't learnt much of it." Megan explains, while Eve and Kaya share their life stories. James look up quickly from his script, says hi, and continues reading.

"So, you're early." Says Kira.

"Am I?"

"Yeah, we've still got to wait for, like, thirty people to arrive before we can start. We've got a ton of dancers, and don't even get me started on the cast."

"I'm never gonna remember that many names."

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