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"Plenty of people are good looking

but that doesn't make them


"Quinn get down to the movie store, now"

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"Quinn get down to the movie store, now"

That was all she got before the line went dead, and for once her insomnia wasn't present. But of course the one night it's not; stiles needs her for only god knows what reason.

Frowning she sat up and slipped on some shoes, now was not the time to have a headache. She could physically hear herself swallow thickly, and could actually hear the thumping of her feet in her head as she walked down her stairs. It was an unpleasant night to say the least, with her mom being a nurse and all you'd think she'd be okay with the whole medicine thing. She wasn't.

Only a couple hours prier to now, she spent the night eating cough drops and drinking tea with a cold rag on her head. And for some reason she was always hot, no matter if she were only in sports bra and underwear with 4 fans blowing on her, plus her air conditioner.

Her hair was messily thrown in a bun and she was wearing spandex and one of her brothers old t shirts from soccer.

But even with all that, when stiles called she knew she had to go; her own illness wouldn't get in the way of helping her friends.

So here she was, on her bike on a cold night in only slides, shorts and a t shirt pulling up to where she saw cop cars; and Lydia Martin.

Now she was fully awake and unaware of what was going on, when she threw her bike down she caught the attention of stiles who winced at her appearance.

"This better be good" she told him as he walked up to her. "Are you sick?" He asked and she nodded.

"What happened here?" She asked pointing towards Lydia and Jackson. "I guess the guy that worked her got attacked and died, then Lydia and Jackson showed up. They're saying it was a mountain lion" he told her.

"I'm guessing it wasn't a mountain lion?" She raised and eye brow. "no –"

"Quinn!" Lydia came racing up, pushing past the police men and hugged the girl, even if it took her a minute and a little bit of stiles interrogation, she hugged her back.

"What happened?" She asked once Lydia released Quinn, yet still had her head laid on her shoulder. " It was – it was a –"

"What was it?" Stiles leaned it to Lydia who was staring off into space.

"It was a mountain lion, didn't they tell you that?" She smiled at the two, in which they just gave each other a knowing look.

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