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Frank Gioia was going to sit around in his bedroom and film another Emo Bands on Crack. As Frank was going to set up the camera, he noticed a few things were off. He noticed that his bed was suddenly covered with golden glitter, and he also realized that everything around him was golden.

"Umm, Eva?" Frank questioned, "Did you spray all of this glitter everywhere?"

No one answered. Frank then remembered that his girlfriend Eva wasn't home, and she was shopping at Hot Topic with her friend Jessie. Frank walked toward his bed and he wiped off some of the glitter from his bed. Suddenly he heard a noise that came from the kitchen. Frank rushed towards the kitchen and he noticed a trail of glitter leading somewhere. The blue-haired man followed the trail and it led him to a huge party.

At first, Frank felt a little bit insecure because he was at a party, but he realized that it wasn't just any party. It was a concert. Frank looked up and he saw Brendon Urie in all of his glory perform "One of the Drunks" on stage.

"This is what it feels like when you become one of the drunks," Brendon sang.

Frank couldn't help but fangirl like a little bitch. After performing "One of the Drunks", Brendon decided to perform "Roaring 20s", which was Frank's favorite song.

"Broadway is black like a sinkhole," Brendon sang, "Everyone races to the suburbs. And I'm on the rooftop with curious strangers. This is the oddest of summers."

Frank continued to fangirl and he couldn't believe that he was at a Panic! concert. Sure, he's been to one before, but he was unprepared to go to a Pray For The Wicked concert.

Brendon continued to sing, until he hit the chorus. Once when he hit the chorus of the song, Frank was lifted from the ground and he was placed onto the stage, next to the glorious Brendon Urie. Frank's heart was beating insanely fast and he couldn't believe any of it.

"Hello, Frank," Brendon greeted.

"He knows my name!" Frank fangirled, "He knows my name!"

Brendon smiled at Frank and handed the YouTuber a physical copy of Pray For The Wicked, along with a bottle of holy water. Frank felt so overwhelmed that he could actually faint.

"Come on, Frank," Brendon smiled, "Play the album."

"This is the best day of my life," Frank breathed.

A radio player popped out of nowhere and Frank inserted the CD. After he inserted the CD, Frank presses the play button. Suddenly, a golden nuclear bomb dropped from the sky and landed on the stage and everything exploded.

When the glitter cleared, Frank was at his room again as if nothing ever happened. But it was too soon before Frank decided to wrap his head around what just happened. Brendon popped up behind Frank's bed with a glitter gun and he sprayed glitter all over Frank.

"COVER IMPORTANT STUFF!" Brendon yelled out.

Suddenly, the glitter made a small tornado and Frank was spun around. After spinning round and round and round, Frank transformed into the Walmart version of Brendon.

His hair was black, he wore a golden blazer, and his forehead was still the same height. Frank looked in the mirror and he was all shocked. He was shook at the fact that he looked so close to Brendon.

"Like the new look, Frank?" Brendon asked.

"I don't know what to say besides the fact that I'm shook!" Frank laughed, "This is awesome. I am Brendon Urie. Well the Walmart version."

"What happens if we post this video?" Brendon said as he notices the camera.

"The Internet will explode that's for sure,"

"Well, I'm all for that,"

Brendon chuckled and so did Frank. The two of them then filmed an entire video about high notes and they were spraying glitter all over each other. As the two of them were filming, both Frank and Brendon had the most fun. Not only did they make an absolute mess with glitter, but they actually got to compare foreheads and high notes. After filming, Frank's entire room was all covered with glitter.

"Are you sure the world is ready for this?" Frank asked.

"Yeah," Brendon replied, "I'm pretty sure your fans will adore that video. Well, I've got to go. Got to deal with a situation right now."

"Oh," Frank said, "Wait what happened?"

"Nothing happened. I just have to find a key,"

Brendon pulled out a glitter bomb and threw it on the ground. Suddenly, Brendon disappeared, leaving Frank's glitter-covered bedroom and him dressed at Brendon Fucking Urie.

"Wow, that was wild wasn't it," Frank said to himself.

A second later, Frank's girlfriend Eva walked in and she was all so shocked. She placed her hands over her mouth and she looked so confused.

"Frank, what happened?!" Eva asked, "Why is your room covered with glitter and why are you dressed like Brendon?"

"Oh, Eva!" Frank replied, "A lot has happened. I'll explain it to you."

For the next three hours, Frank explained the whole fiasco with Brendon to Eva, which made Eva jealous of Frank. However, both Eva and Frank both happily jammed out to Pray For The Wicked and had "Roaring 20s" on repeat.

A/N: Okay! So here is my first intermission chapter of this book. AKA just a random filler chapter to ensure that this book can be as long as the Purple Fic or have at least five chapters.

And I, of course, decided to do a chapter with Emo Crack Daddy, CrankThatFrank. To be honest, I legit thought that Frank and Brendon would collab and spray glitter all over themselves for his Pray For The Wicked video. Oh well, only in my dreams. So I thought, why not put that in my book?! Even though he had a fun transformation video, I still would like to imagine him and Brendon collabing and having a good time.

If you liked it, give it a vote, and comment down your thoughts on this chapter.

Just thank you guys for reading this book! Anyways, I'll see you later! Bye! STAY WICKED!💛✨🌟

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