Chapter Twenty Six:Arrival And Amazement

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'We try to hide our feelings, But we forgot our eyes speak' -Ranconteur

"I'm done!"



A quick glance at the clock "Thought your appointment was in the afternoon"

"I said that!?"

"Yeah. You did."

She then gasped "Am I that old already?"

She rolled her eyes at her.

"This is real. I'm getting old. That explains why I do feel weak most times. No more energetic me." She sighed sadly "No more being able to lift the cabinet with just a palm"

Hanan giggled "You are just being dramatic"

But she continued nonetheless "Anytime they are calling on all the young ones I won't be called upon! No wonder a mannerless girl was calling me old woman the other day at the hospital but I didn't really pay attention to it but now that I think of it-"

She laughed hard. "Ain't you old?"

Her face grew serious all of a sudden. "That suits you better"

She gave her a puzzled look "What?"

"The smile and laughter"

She gulped and Mariam took her hands in hers. "Don't know what transpired between you too but I haven't seen you smile, real one, for the past couple of days."

She gave her a small smile."I'm okay granny" She saw the look of protest "I really am." She sighed and pecked her cheek

"The appointment was actually in the afternoon but the doctor called to inform me he's shifted it"

She shook her head at her. "Oh. Okay. You are not that old after all" they both chuckled.

"Alright then. Bye han" She paused a little and scrutinized her "You look kinda pale"

"Stop worrying about me. Go for your check up. I'm perfectly fine!"

"Okay. Take care han. Love you"

"Same here." Hanan smiled, genuinely this time. She has been using the word love more often lately claiming she want her to be reminded how special and how much she loves her. And she couldn't help but to smile and giggle about how sweet that is.

She closed the magazine in her lap. Her dad's Definitely rubbing up on her cos she seem to be growing an unusual interest in magazine lately. She shook her head and dropped the magazine on the glass table as she lost interest in it already.

Faaiz didn't come back home that day. And hasn't bothered calling. He has returned to his formal cold self and has Hanan wondering if it had been a dream actually. That the day was not real. She sighed and she promised her self not to let that weigh her down. And she wouldn't dwell much about that again.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Did granny forget anything? Again, she wouldn't knock. She got up and felt light headed. She wobbled for a second and shook away the feeling.

She opened the door and her eyes almost bulged out of her socket. She gasped audibly. "My goodness!!!"

She was engulfed in a tight, life threatening hug. "Hanaaannnn!!"

She hugged her tighter. Hanan couldn't still believe her eyes. She was transfixed to the spot. She later broke out of her reverie when she felt suffocated. "C-cant br-brea-the"

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