You getting killed

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The darach has you in its grasp and you disappear into smoke
"Wheres y/n???" He asked looking over at his pale bestfreind
"What??" Scott asked stiles worriedly
"She's gone"
"What" he said his voice cracking
"Stop joking stiles she was right there"
"The darach"
Tears fell down and stiles hugged Scott tightly comforting him
"I should of saved her!!" He shouted

Theo was holding you up on top of the school with his claws in you
"Y/N" stiles yelled running outside followed by Liam mason Scot Malia and Lydia
"THEO" Scott yelled eyes changing red
"Well I couldn't kill Scott so I'm killing someone close to you all"
Stiles didn't know what to do he was freaking out
"LET HER GO" he yelled
"No can do stiles" Theo said before throwing you Miles away
"Now you'll rethink going against me" Theo said spitefully
"NOOoO" he burst into sobs falling onto the ground while the pack tried comforting him

The kanima has its claws in you and then it turned back to Jackson
He screamed you're name when you fell and laid on the ground
"This is all my fault"
"It's not you're fault Jackson it's the guy controlling you"
"I couldn't protect you" he said tears falling down his face
"You did Jackson I just did what needed to be done to save you"
"D-do you still love me"
"Yes Jackson I do I... I always will-"
You said before closing you're eyes
She shook you and shouted you're name over and over
Scott put a hand on his shoulder but he just shrugged it off
"Y/N!!!!!" He yelled


Kali was choking you while on the second floor to the bank
Everyone else's was fighting but you were gasping for air
"Please.. don't..."
"I love when they beg for their life but- I don't care"
She said letting go of you so you'd fall to you're death
You fell and you felt you're back hit the cold floor
Then everyone stopped fighting
"Y/N" aiden shouted running as fast as his legs could take him
He was crying
"Y/n no no no! I shouldn't of let you go here I knew it was dangerous"
"Aiden it's ok I'm with my first and last love it's ok there's no other place I'd rather be"
"I can't live without you please!!!"
"I've got no choice aiden and try join Scott's pack it's a lot safer !"
"I promise"
You kissed his hand
"I'll always be with you aiden even when you can't see me" you said before slowly falling into darkness
"Y/n?" He asked shaking you a little bit
"Y/n!! Come on wake up! You always wake up! Y/n?" He pleaded
He looked like a lost puppy
"NO Y/N" he said breaking down and sobbing into Ethan
"It's okay"
"I can't live without her Ethan!!"

You were fighting an oni when you saw Allison struggling so before he oni had the chance to stab her you went in front of her
It stabbed you
The feeling of the metal piercing through you're skin sent you chills
Issac was witnessing this all and fell over but got up again running towards you
"Issac issac"
"I'm here"
"Tell Ethan and aiden I love them" you said mentioning you're brothers
"I will"
"Issac promise me one thing" you said in between sobs
"When you move on-"
"I won't move on y/n I love you so much" he said crying
"Promise me you'll be happy"
"Promise me Issac" you gasped out
"I promise"
"I-I love-"
You said taking you're last breath
He sobbed into you're chest for ten minutes before taking you to Ethan and aiden

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