Jackass💞jackson imagine

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You were walking down the school hallways
When all of a sudden you heard laughing
You saw Jackson and his 'clique' all laughing
"What are you wearing"
Jackson said in between laughs
"You call that clothes" he said looking up and down
Everyone kept on laughing
By then you had tears in his eyes
You're brother Scott and his pack came in front of you
"Hey! Shut up Jackass" Scott yelled at Jackson
"What you gonna do McCall"
Scott breathes out heavily and then punched Jackson in the face
Blood was coming out of his nose
Jackson tried punching him in the face and Scott held his fist in his hand
I heard bones crunching and I immediately ran out the school
I saw this girl (Erica) and older man(Derek)
The next day
I took a bite from Derek and now me and Erica were ready to show a appearance at school

You were walking down the school hallways When all of a sudden you heard laughing You saw Jackson and his 'clique' all laughing"What are you wearing"Jackson said in between laughs"Clothes""You call that clothes" he said looking up and downEveryone...

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You wore above and put makeup on
You got to the doors woth Erica
She went in but you stayed knowing you'd want to shove it in Jackson's face
Erica come back out
This is my chance
I walked through the doors showing my new look
Everyone stared , jaws dropped
You went over to Jackson's table while everyone was watching you drank some of his drink then threw it soaking Jackson in his milkshake
"Enjoy jackass"
You walked out of the doors happy woth you're new confidence
You all of a sudden feel a wave of guilt and regret come over you
I followed the trail of milkshake and saw Jackson cleaning himself up
"I'm sorry that must of been embarrassing for you"
"You have no idea"
You had a idea
"What if they see me kiss you and then you're be like the the guy everyone wants to be "
"You're a bit cocky aren't you"
He smiled
"I guess so do you want to"

""Don't""I'm sorry that must of been embarrassing for you""You have no idea"You had a idea"What if they see me kiss you and then you're be like the the guy everyone wants to be ""You're a bit cocky aren't you"He smiled"I guess so do you want to"

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"Ok let's go"
You grabbed his hand and led to the cafeteria

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