Chapter 7: The Reason Why

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        One week has passed since I met Menma-kun, all the while I've been been helping everyone, staying out of trouble, and getting to know everyone better. Actually, there is one person I still haven't gotten to know much about: Asagi Tenma-san. Hopefully I can find some way to get her to not hate me soon, it's so uncomfortable being near her, especially with her constant, but simple, remarks of how I'm just like any other guy who tries to live here: a pervert...

        I woke up a bit later than usual this morning, as I tiredly made my way to the bath, I noticed there were no name plates out; meaning no one was in the bath. I went inside, got undressed, and went to take my relaxing morning bath.

        "Ahhhhh!~ Now this feels nice.~" I said relaxed. "After the workout I had last night with Yoko-san, and the running around I did before that with Rena-chan and Asuko-san, my body feels pretty sore, but this bath sure helps.~" I start moving around in the bath until I ended up behind the large decorative rock near the far end, then I thought it'd be a good time to get out.

        Just as I was about to stand, I hear voices, along with the door to the bath opening! I hid behind the rock as I heard some of my female house mates coming in, I dared not to see which ones were here out of fear of one of them being Tenma-san. From the sound of the footsteps, it sounded like there were four, but why didn't any of them notice my name pla...I FORGOT TO PUT UP MY NAME PLATE!!!!

        "~Crap! Crap! Crap! I'm in deep trouble if any of them see me in here! Especially if one of them is Tenma-san!!!~" I screamed in my head.

        I heard each of them get into the water, I guess my best bet is to stay put, hope I can endure the water's heat long enough and not make any sudden moves or sounds. As I sat still, I heard someone speak, and a huge sense or worry and fear came over me!

        "Tell me, why do you three like that creep so much?" Tenma-san asked.

        "I think he's very sweet...and he helps me a lot in the store..." a sleepy voice, Kuromi, answered.

        "I think he's really cool! He's really easy to talk to!" That was Asuko-san!

        "He's really fun to play with! And he rescued me from bullies!" Rena-chan!

        "Are you three serious? I'm pretty sure he's only being nice and helping so he can easily have his way with you!" Tenma-san cursed.

        "There you go again Usagi, saying that he's a bad guy and a perv. Why can't you just give him a chance!?" Asuko-san asked.

        "She's right Asagi-kun...Everyone here likes and respects him...except you...and you're the one he's been trying to get the respect of most..." After being around Kuromi so much, I could tell that she was making her angry face right now from he voice alone.

        "Even if he has, I will not accept it! Besides, has he even told any of us why he's here in the first place!? How can we trust him!? He could be a registered sex offender on the run for all we know!"

        "Onii-chan isn't like that! Meanie!" Rena-chan objected.

        I'm sort of surprised Rena-chan knows what that is at her age, then again it could also be possible she doesn't and since Tenma-san is always talking bad about me, she's just assuming it's something bad.

        "Asagi-kun, just remember...unless it's a unanimous vote, no one can be kicked out of Sakura House...your vote alone wont kick him out...All this time, he hasn't done anything fact, he's been very nice and helpful." Kuromi spoke.

        I felt happy knowing everyone else believed in me, it almost made me cry. Suddenly that feeling of happiness faded when I felt the water shift and heard someone coming closer!

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