chapter 20

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Nobody says anything for a little while. Based on their reactions, I figure that the girls already knew most of the story, but there was some stuff that was new to them, too.

Blake had told us everything, even the stuff that I get the feeling that she’d rather not share. She started with the beginnings of the White Fang, and how they’d originally stood for peace and cooperation, but eventually resorted to violence. They’d finished their transformation from Professor X to Magneto during a massive riot in Atlas, where they torched a bunch of stores and businesses with less-than-tolerant practices.

When she started talking about Adam, Blake had hesitated for a while before pushing through. “He was always...proud. He was always at the front of the rallies, the loudest voice in the crowd. The others looked up to him. looked up to him. When the White Fang militarized themselves, he rose through the ranks. Right before I left, he’d become one of the leaders.” She looked down, sighed. “Now it looks like he's in control of the entire Vale group."

She looked back up at us. “Towards the end of my time there, he’d gotten...angrier. Always pushing for more direct action, more violent operations. A group formed around him, people who followed his example. Everyone used to joke about his ‘Lieutenants.’”

She looked at Weiss. “You fought one of them on the train. I never got to know any of them, didn’t even know their names. I just...wanted to pretend like that side of Adam didn’t exist. I couldn’t just ignore it forever, though. I left after he tried to kill everyone onboard a Schnee Company train. I decoupled the front engine, and just...rode away. The people onboard probably never even realized how close it came.

“But now...kidnapping Huntress trainees?Broadcasting executions? He’s gone crazy. There’s nothing he won’t do if would help him reach his goals. The White Fang used to be a peaceful movement for all Faunus, but he’s turned it into his own personal revolution. He needs to be stopped. No matter what it takes.”

The mood in the wake of that story was somber and contemplative, which was the last thing the girls needed. It’s always a weird balancing act, trying to figure out how I should treat them. On one hand, they’re in training to be professional soldiers to fight back the forces of darkness and evil. On the other hand, they’re fucking kids, and they just went through a nasty situation.

So, I tried to keep them talking. “Blake, your ex is an asshole.”

Her answer comes in a near-monotone. “Adam is a monster. Nothing else."

I nod slowly. “ objections to me kicking him in the dick next time? Because I’m gonna kick him in the dick.”

That got me a few weird looks, until Yang nodded her agreement. “Yeah, I’m with you on that one. I got first dibs, though.”

Weiss looked in between me and Yang. “Why are you two treating this so trivially?” Well, I guess I should’ve figured that someone would have that reaction. I looked back at Weiss.

“Why wouldn’t we? We kicked ass, made them run away with their tails between their legs, and we all walked away in one piece. Besides, it takes ‘em down a notch. Terrorist organizations, no matter what their goals are, or what kind of asshole is running the show, thrive on fear. So, fuck ‘em. They got very lucky this time, along with catching you off guard and me letting my guard down. They try this again, we’ll boot them back over the city walls.”

Ruby looked up at me, then looked back down into her lap. Ah, that conversation’s gonna be a real bitch, isn’t it?

Later. I can talk to her later. After we’ve all had a chance to decompress a bit.

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