chapter 18

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Ozpin and the terrorist asshole weren’t there when I got back, but one of the nearby students was able to point me towards his office. I was gone before she even finished her sentence.

This elevator ride excruciating. I’m just standing here while those fuckers are taking the girls off God-knows-where to do fuck-knows-what with them. This guy better have talked to Ozpin, because otherwise I’m gonna put him through the Marine’s unique little brand of ‘special rendition.’ 

The elevator doors slide open with a pleasant ‘ding’, and I storm into Ozpin’s office. He’s calmly sitting at his desk, sipping his mug of coffee. The terrorist asshole is curled up in a corner, whimpering. 

I start talking as fast as I intelligibly can. “I need to know where their base is, now. They’ve-”

Ozpin calmly cut me off. “-Kidnapped Team RWBY, I am aware. After some unpleasantries, our guest was extremely cooperative.”

With one of the spare cycles I’ve got going in this computerized brain of mine, I scan the guy. Not a mark on him.

Ozpin continues. “Apparently the girls have made something of a nuisance of themselves. Combined with the fact that the team contains both the Schnee heiress, as well as a highly esteemed former member of their organization, the White Fang decided that this was an excellent opportunity to make a statement. They are alive, for now, and being taken to an abandoned mining installation quite some ways northwest of Vale. 

“Their plan is to wait for their assault team to return to the base, before broadcasting a speech, ending it with an execution.”

Ozpin eyes harden. “This will not be allowed to happen. I’ve contacted Ironwood, as well as calling in a few favors. We can be in position to storm the base in less than an hour, but there’s one last problem. Any sign of difficulty, or any chance that their plan will not work out as intended, and the White Fang will simply murder Team RWBY. An advance operative is needed to go in ahead of the main force and secure them without being detected.”

I nod. “Alright, I’ll do it.”

Ozpin gave me a faint half-smile, but there was something unreadable in his eyes. “I thought you might. Gather any gear you need, our bullhead leaves in two minutes. I’ve managed to procure the plans of the building, and Ironwood’s forces will rendezvous with us at the target location. ”

I turned to go, but asked one last thing before stepping back into the elevator. “Rules of engagement?” I had a feeling that I already knew, but I felt the need to confirm it.

“Whatever you feel is necessary. Complete the mission, at all costs.”


I crept through the forest like a ghost. We’d flown in low and slow, getting as close as we possibly could to avoid being noticed. The White Fang hadn’t had air transport until at least after they’d gotten a good ways away from the school, so even the distance I had to travel on foot shouldn’t leave me too far behind them.

The entrance to the mine was just up ahead. It wasn’t really a mine, per say. There was a mineshaft there, but it was on the bottom level, underneath a series of rooms, offices, and other facilities. Mining out in the wilderness was dangerous work, and so people on Remnant tended to bury all of their important facilities when they could. Eventually, the mine dried up, and the people moved on.

And, just like everywhere else after the people moved on, the scum and trash were all that’s left behind.

There. It looks like the entrance of an old-timey bunker, a steel door set in a slightly raised mound of earth. No visible external security, but a quick visor scan shows that it’s wired. Open it before the wire’s deactivated, and an alarm goes off. Something like this wouldn’t be intended for daily use, which means that it’s a special precaution, put in place only recently. 

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