chapter 12

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The next two weeks were pretty uneventful, compared to that little spot of excitement. Ozzy organized regular one-on-one meetings with the whole team, not just Ruby. At this point, I’m not really surprised. I shoulda guessed that he was also a therapist. Ozpin’s a hell of a guy, really.

Shame I can never figure just what the fuck his motives are. He seems to really care about his students, but I get the feeling that’s not his only goal.

Considering recent events, I haven’t been to talk to him about those exoskels yet. I’m gonna need to do it eventually, but there’s more important stuff going on right now. SECOND might not be happy about me putting stuff ahead of “acquiring better weapons,” but that’s kind of the point. SECOND might be able to twist my mind like putty, but I’m gonna try to not let it effect me as much as possible. I’ll be sure to get the new equipment before the next time I leave the city walls. It might not be the smart choice, but it’s definitely my choice.

Still, I haven’t had the chance to hang out with the girls much for the last little while, so I’ve been cooling my heels in the library. I’ve figured out the science behind the way Remnant uses Dust as a power source, but SECOND’s still working on finding a way to adapt the tech for the suit.

So, right now I’m still chilling out in an isolated corner, reading through a couple engineering books. In a turn of events that was completely unsurprising, the engineering on Remnant was just as batshit as everything else. Everything was overbuilt, reinforced, and tough as all hell. Not as sophisticated as I was expecting, though, mechanically speaking. Apparently brute force is the name of the game over here.

My reading time was interrupted by footsteps. Quick, measured, purposeful, and heading right towards me.

Without being obvious about it, I looked up and around. There’s an older dude walking towards me, decked out in some kind of white uniform. His hair’s turning gray, he’s got a couple of wrinkles starting to show on his stern face, but I’d recognize that kind of bearing anywhere. He’s military. Probably a good ways up the chain, too.


Alright, no worries. A quick thermal scan confirms that he’s coming alone (and also tells me that there’s nobody even remotely close by), which means that he’s not planning on anything right now. The dude probably just wants to talk to me. Doesn’t change the fact that I wish I had a gun on me right now.

Huh. Lot's of metal, electronics... Most of his right side is prosthetic. Dude's been fucked up. God knows what he's got stuck in there, though. I'll be on my guard.

“I’d heard I’d find you in here.” He’s standing in front of my table. Also, he’s ‘heard’ about me. Well, this won’t be fun.

He offers his hand to shake. “I’m General Ironwood. Nice to finally meet you.”

So he’s going this route. I ignore the gesture. “Yeah, pretty sure you know my name. What do you want?”

He frowns. “Something the matter?”

I shrug. “Well, last time I tried to make nice with a military force that liked dressing up in white, they tried to skin me alive. With lasers. That stuff kinda makes an impression, you know?”

Ironwood blinked. “Oh. Uh, I’m sorry to hear that.”

I waved my hand dismissively. “Sure, yeah. So, whatcha doing here?”

Whatever Ironwood had been expecting, this was not it. He took a deep breathe to regain his composure. “Well, it’s about your suit.”

“Really? I thought you were here for my winning personality.” My voice became serious. “What about the suit?”

Nanosuit and Soul Magic: A Crysis/RWBY crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now