Chapter 2

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Maia was not quite ready to socialize yet, because she had been living on her now for only a year at most, and was still getting used to the idea of being different from the other children.

When Maia arrived back at her bridge, it was around three o'clock, so she curled up in a bit of shade under it. Out of boredom, Maia began to braid bits of her hair, and noticed that the ends were getting quite frazzled. She reached into her pocket, and retrieved the red pocketknife she had gotten for her birthday the year before, from her mother. She slid the miniature scissors out, and carefully cut across the bottom ends of her straight brown hair. She continued attempting to make the same traitor cut. Unfortunately, not two hairs were the same length, so she tied her hair back in a tight ponytail with her green, thread bare hair tie.

Maia opened the yellow bag of potato chips she bought at the Sunset Snack Shop, down the street from the playground. An advertisement drew Maia's attention on the back of the bag that read,

"It's time to have some fun at legend city! Tickets go on sale March 22!

The letters appeared to be three dimensional and red. Maia rolled up the yellow bag of potato chips to save for later. She took out a small cardboard notebook, and wrote down the phone number, just incase she ran in to a couple hundred dollars.


Maia woke, half asleep. Her mother and sister's faces disappeared behind the door. Darkness. Isolated. Slighted.

The bright morning sun was rising above the lonely desert landscape. Maia blinked, and rubbed her eyes awake.

"Thank goodness it was all a dream." She thought

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