Chapter 1

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It was a blistering hot day. Maia was wondering through the deserted playground by her bridge. There was a thin layer of dust hovering above the parched ground. A sickening breeze blew loose soil into her hazel eyes. She used her stained t-shirt to wipe her eyes clean.

Maia decided to make her way home, because the carousel she usually enjoyed spinning on was much too hot. She watched a lone Cadillac drive by, interrupting the summer silence. As she continued walking, she heard,

"Maia! Where have you been? I've looked all over for you! I need to ask you something!"

Not now Stuart! Sorry! Gotta go!"

Maia sprinted around the corner and glanced back to make sure that he was not following. Maia had met Stuart, or should I say Stuart met had met her, when Maia first arrived in Arizona. He had tried to follow her home once, although she got away all the same. Ever since then, Stuart had been trying to collect Maia's life story, for his father was a newspaper publisher, and wanted her story for his business.

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