Chapter 2

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A&N- Hello my pumpkins! Please give me feedback! I would appreciate it! I posted chapters today cause my school will start less then 1 week so I will be really busy. Oh well carry on reading! ;) x

Emily’s Pov

I woke with arms wrapped around my waist and a head on my shoulders. I looked up to see Zayn, sleeping. He looked kinda cute. Oh well. I looked around to see grass all around me.

I scrunched my face in confusion. Then last night’s events played in my mind.

I hate Harry Styles.

I tried to lift Zayn’s arms but I liked the position so I put my head over his head. After an hour or so, Zayn woke up.

“Hey!” He said but was looking embarrassed and removed his arms around my waist.

“Its ok, I liked it.” I blurted out. Had I really said that out loud?

He smiled at me before checking his phone.

“We have to go, everyone’s worried sick!” He told me.

“Lets go!” I said, angry about the Harry situation.

Zayn must have seen my face as he pulled me into a surprise hug.

“Everything is going to be ok.” He whispered.

I immediately stopped being angry and started to get in the car.

I could feel Zayn sneaking glances at me while driving. I wasn’t creepy at all. It was comfortable.

Reaching the house, we got out of the car and walked up to the house door. I noticed Zayn’s hand was fitted perfectly into mine.

Louis approached the door and he gave us a hug.

“Everyone is worried sick about you two!”  He said, his eyes full of concern.

“We are fine, where are the others?” I said.

“In the living room, come in” He said.

I came in and the first sight I saw was Amelia and Harry sucking each other’s faces off. Yuck.

Zayn and me sat quietly down, his hand snaking down my face and my head on his shoulder. I don’t think Harry and Amelia saw us but soon as they took a break from what ever it was, they finally saw us.

Everyone except Harry, who I was glad, introduced me and their selves.

Harry had a look of anger on her face, jealousy flashed through his eyes. I guess he could see how close Zayn and I were. He didn’t even bother to say a hello.  Amelia tried to get his attention but he was acting, as he didn’t even know her.

He finally got up and went to his room, Amelia following him.

Zayn and I were just watching the whole thing. Everybody got into his or her conversations.

I turned to Zayn, our lips centimeters apart.

“I am going to go take a shower” I said.

“Take your time” I said.

I went upstairs only to be met by none other than Harry. Ugh.

“I am sorry!” He said.

“Forgiven and now I am going to take a shower” I said accepting his apology.

“Can I join?” He said cheekily.

“Never!” I said.

After taking a shower AND calling my mother to tell her where we are, I went downstairs to be met by Niall.

“Can you bake me pancakes?” He said giving me puppy dog eyes.

“Fine!” I said starting mixing the flour and butter.

Niall informed me that Liam and Louis have gone out with their girlfriends while Harry is in his room.

After making about 3 batch of pancakes Zayn came down, neatly dressed and his hair done in a usual quiff.

"Hey." He said looking at me.

"Hey." Said me and Niall.

"You wanna come to an ice cream treat with me." He asked.

"Yeah Niall can go get cha-"

"You and me only." He said and I blushed.

"Sure, sorry Niall!" I said while rushing out of the door.

We went to a near ice cream place and ordered our ice cream.

"Mint chocolate chip!" We both said in unison.

While the waiter was making our bill, she kept flirting with Zayn. Jealousy panged through me.

"Well lets go to our table, girlfriend" He said making sure to say it in front of the waiter.  She gave me a death glare while giving me the ice cream.

"Let's go boyfriend." I said loud enough.

Zayn quickly pecked my cheek and we went to a sit on a table.

While eating ice cream we talked about our likes and dislikes.

"Hey you have ice cream on your nose, let me take it off." He said clearing away the ice cream.

Little did I know he actually put ice cream on MY nose than taking it off.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom since I could feel something cold on my nose.  When I saw myself in the mirror, I was horrified.

"ZAYN MALIK YOU BETTER RUN!" I shouted in the bathroom not caring if other people hear me or not. 

Well I guess he heard me pretty well since he was running out of the ice cream shop. Zayn ran in a nearby park. I was a fast runner so he was like only 2 or 3 inches ahead of me.

He stumbled on a rock and fell on the ground.  Victory I thought.

I guess luck was not with me since I fell on top of him.

"Do you know you look beautiful with ice cream on your nose?" He whispered.

I blushed and looked up into his eyes. Beautiful Hazel eyes. I was slowly leaning in and he was too.

Our lips met and we kissed. Fireworks, Bombs.

Nothing could imagine how much perfection was in that kiss.

I felt I was in an another world.

A&N- I basically thought it was a crappy chapter but I hope you enjoyed it! :) x

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