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Erika's POV

I opened my eyes to blinding light pouring in from the window. I stretched my muscles out, damn I was so sore today.

"Man I had the weirdest dream last night Scott, it fe-"

I looked to see a middle aged man wearing a leather jacket paired with dark jeans sitting on the bed next to me. He smiled at me when I sat up.

"Good morning beautiful, wow might I say you look just like your mother Erika."

He smiled showing off his white teeth. I gulped, I looked to see the door wide open maybe if I was fast enough.

I jumped off the bed and got halfway out the door when I got pulled down by my ankle. I caught my fall with my elbows on the carpet.

"Aw, you don't want to stay with me? Come on, we can have fun together."

I clawed the carpet as I was squirming out of his grasp.

"Nu uh uh." He sing-songed.

I felt his nails dig into my ankle, I let out a blood curdling scream as he flung me back on the bed. I grabbed my ankle and withered in pain as he sat down at the end of the bed and watched me. I looked at him with my tear stained face.

"What do you want? I don't even know you."

He smiled.

"Oh but I know you, Erika. I knew your mom, your dad and even your older brother Derek."

I sat up and wiped the tears off my face.

"You knew Derek?"

Derek is still alive, I thought. I mean when we left him last night he was still alive.

"Yeah, he died with your mom and dad in that terrible car accident."

Maybe it's better to make him think that Derek is dead.

"Yeah, I forgot but thanks for reminding me. How do you even know they died in a car....oh my god."

Realization hit me hard like a ton of bricks, this man killed my parents.

"How could you? Why did you?"

"First off my name is Gerard, how did I? Well it was actually pretty easy you see..."

As he was telling me how he killed my mom and dad I looked around the room trying to find ways to escape.


He snapped his fingers in my face.

"Huh? What?"

"I asked if you needed to go to the restroom before we leave."

He stood up and extended his hand out for me. I took it because I didn't want him to get angry again.

"Uh, yeah I actually have to go to the restroom."

He led me down a hallway away from the front door and opened a door to his left. I walked in with him following me.

"Uh, do you mind? I kinda like to pee in private?"

He smiled.

"Where are my manners?"

He closed the door behind him, I locked it and slid down the door with my back against it. I bit my lip as I tried to keep from crying, I looked up to see a window I could probably crawl through. I looked down at what I was wearing, Scotts boxers with a tank-top. I sighed and of course I had socks on but no shoes. I got up off the floor and rummaged through the cabinet under the sink to find a bottle of toilet bowl cleaner. I lifted up the lid a little bit and nudged the bottle halfway in and it stuck halfway out, it squeezed it just a little bit so that it sounded like I was peeing.

I opened the window all the way, pulled myself up and got all the way through. I smiled as I was finally escaping.

I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket in Scott's boxers. I looked to see it was Derek calling me.

"Derek! Oh my god, I need you please."

"I know I'm on my way, just stay low Gerard probably already knows you escaped just call Soctt and see if he's awake yet."

"Ok, please hurry I'm scared."

"I know, I promise I won't let anything happen to you."


Derek's POV


The line went dead.

"Shit, Erika? ERIKA! Fuck!"

I threw my phone down into the passenger seat and raced over to Scott's house.

I came to a screeching halt and bounded up to Scott's door. I knocked for what seemed to be a thousand times until a tired Stiles came and opened the door.

"Where's Scott?" I growled.

Stiles blinked and stepped back.

"Woah, calm down. He's asleep on the couch."

I pushed past Stiles and tore the blankets off the couch to find pillows under the blankets instead of a sleeping Scott. I looked at Stiles.

"Maybe in his room then..?" Stiles shrugged.

"Wait, why are you looking for him?" Stiles said as he followed me upstairs.

I threw open his door to find Scott no where in sight. Not in his bed, not on the floor not even in his bathroom.

I clenched my jaw as I stomped out of Scott's house and got in my car.

"Hey wait!"

Stiles ran and got in the passenger seat before I drove off.

"Would you mind telling me what's going on?"

Stiles asked as he turned towards me.

"Erika's been kidnapped and I think Scott figured it out and he took off without telling you or me."

"Woah, Erika's kidnapped?"

Stiles looked like he was thinking about something.

"Tell me what you're thinking about."

"Well before I fell asleep, which was when Erika went outside to get her phone, I heard some noise outside but i didn't think of it as anything."

"Where was Scott?"

"He was on the couch already past out." Stiles said as he shrugged into his jacket.

"So not either of you could've followed Erika outside to see if she was ok? not even when you fucking heard noises outside not either of you fucking twats could have gone outside?!"

Stiles eyes were big and his mouth formed a perfect "O" as I broke down crying in front of him.

"Stiles she's my baby sister, my baby sister could be dead right now I promised I would always look after her and protect her. GOD WHY CAN'T ANYONE I LOVE STAY SAFE GOD DAMN IT!"

I hit the steering wheel hard with the palms of my hands as Stiles unbuckled himself.

"I think I should drive."

I look up at Stiles. "I think that's the one thing you've said that I agree with."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2013 ⏰

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